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Years ago, I worked for a boss who was convinced I was psychic. A complete political animal, he was getting ready to promote one of his protégé’s by giving him credit for my work.
It started with an innocent enough instruction that I needed to document my knowledge and create pro-forma financial statements based on my specialization.
Considering we had a technical team and a global resource base, I found it strange. I asked him if he was planning to replace me.
Stunned silence and lots of denials followed. 6 months later, I resigned to pursue greener and more inviting pastures. While he was signing off on my paperwork, the soon to be ex-boss asked me how I had known.
Was I psychic?
I smiled and told him that was a secret.
In fact, it was my intuition developed through a regular practice of meditation and the application of emotional intelligence to the situation which I talk about at length in my post about the role of intuition in strengthening Emotional Intelligence.
Here’s another simpler example.
Remember when you were a child and would come upset from school and your Mom or Dad immediately knew something was wrong and would manage to get the truth out of you?
Didn’t you think they were psychic? I did!
Let’s look at it from your experience now.
Have you ever been in a situation where you meet someone and instinctively take an instant dislike to them? It could be that your auras are vibrating at different frequencies.
But what if you do not trust them, your instant gut feeling is to move away from them? Yet you decide to hang around only to have the subsequent chain of events prove that your first impression was right?
Well dear reader, these are all examples of intuition which can be enhanced through the regular practice of meditation.
Are you psychic or possess highly powerful intuition?
Believe it or not, but we are all intuitive, some of us more than others. This comparative divide can be reduced by practicing the art of meditation which heightens the dormant extra sensory perception or ESP.
Intuition is a psychic power which when worked upon can also open other psychic faculties that we possess. It all comes down to how we perceive these latent gifts.
For example, you can see things (clairvoyance), hear things (clairaudience), have gut feelings (clairsentience), just simply know things (psychic knowing) and even sense things through touch (psychometry).
A person may possess all of these latent gifts or just the one which the vehicle by which our intuition communicates with us. When one starts to work on one’s spiritual development, these gifts start to come to the fore.
The best way to develop intuition and open up channels for communication with the sub-conscious mind is through daily meditation.
The activity of meditation even if for 5 minutes a day also helps reduce stress even if you are not looking to develop your psychic gifts.
The fringe benefit of meditation is you start noticing things that you did not earlier (like I did with my ex-boss) and find coincidences taking place more frequently than before.
You might meet people whom you have not met for a long time but were thinking of them shortly afterwards. How about thinking about finding a taxi at night and having one arrive where you are standing. The list goes on!
Intuitive ESP assists in getting direction from one’s God-Mind.
Regular practice of meditation improves intuitive ESP and once it becomes a second nature, you can rely upon it when meeting new people, tuning into other people or seeking self-direction.
To maintain intuitive ESP at its peak functioning, daily practice of meditation is required. Meditation combined with prayer strengthens intuition.
This week, if you are not in the regular habit of meditating try it out for size using the suggested meditation methods in this blog post and see what happens.
Make it more interesting by holding a purple Amethyst crystal, which is associated with the Third Eye Chakra in your right-hand palm (the left-hand palm under the right-hand palm). Write in and tell me about your experience.
If you want a more practical approach to connect with your Higher or Inner Self then try the 3 methods in this post about connecting with your Inner Self. You’ll notice meditation features again!
Have you ever felt that your intuition improves when you meditate or you suddenly find yourself blessed with a psychic power? I’d love read your comments about it!
We don’t know “how” it works for the simply reason that consciousness currently resides outside the purview of science. If consciousness resides outside the purview of science, then so does its psi abilities (and indeed our ability to move our bodies in accordance with our intentions)
Good point Milan. Thanks for adding to the conversation.
I think we’re all psychic a bit to some extent. Meditation truly helps us to get still, get quiet, and listen to what our intuition is telling us.
Absolutely Barbara!
I’ve always said everyone has some form of psychic ability to some degree and as someone who used to teach mediumship, regular meditation is crucial as part of spiritual hygeine and communication. Great stuff here.
Thank you Laura for sharing your point about the use of meditation for maintaining spiritual hygiene.
Great blog Vatsala, I love Amethyst and its support of our psychic abilities. I’m not in the practice of meditating regularly only using it when I feel drawn too. I do know however that it certainly does help when developing your psychic abilities.
Thanks Kerrie. One should only sit down to meditate when one is drawn to it to get its full benefit otherwise it’s just another task on a To Do List with no real value.
Pyschic I don’t think so, high perception, intuition yes. And I believe it’s a result of spiritual practices. Heightened perception.
Meditation and other spiritual practices do heighten our perceptions, Leila. I find I have a sharper nose and can smell things others cant and am more sensitive to vibrations including changes in the weather. Think how much fun I have when people say it won’t rain on a hot summer day and then it does rain!
Thank you for your great help.would you please explain that why a piece of amethyst can help me in my right hand?it’s very you think that without it,the meditation would not be so benefit able?
Welcome to The Karmic Ally Coaching Experience Blog, Farinaz. I suggested using the amethyst as it is a crystal associated with psychic development and protection. One can meditate without crystals too. It is a matter of personal choice. You can use any placement of hands during meditation – whether it is the right hand on top of the left hand or vice versa. I’ve covered hand positions, known as Mudras in my post You might like to check out that post too. Thanks for dropping by!