
Win your challenges with our unique solutions

Want solutions to the problems that keep you awake at night? That’s where Karmic Ally Coaching helps you create breakthroughs with customized radical and innovative solutions to issues that are keeping you stuck in a rut in the shortest time possible. Believe it or not, even high achievers hit roadblocks in their careers or on their journey to creating a business that expresses their Soul’s Vision and Purpose. Every transformation requires a willingness to accept change. Are you ready to embrace change? Find out with Karmic Ally Coaching's special quiz - Fearing Change or Confident to Win Challenges!

What do you get from hiring me as your Coach?

I firmly believe that overwhelmed professionals need to start seeing results immediately. This is important for them to maintain motivation for making required changes, whether in attitude, action or mindset.

All I ask for in return is that you have the desire to settle for nothing but the best and reciprocity of commitment.

Depending upon your determination, commitment to your success and your efforts, we’ll make your desired career breakthrough a reality.


Coaching results Proust quote


What happens when you work with Karmic Ally Coaching

When you work with me, not only will you overcome that roadblock to your career progression (quickly in most cases), but you’ll do it in a way that feels good.

We will be building your Executive Presence, creating strategies and actions to get you credit and recognition for your efforts.

You’ll position yourself while staying in integrity with your core values, personality and your definition of success.

Your confidence will increase, and you’ll have a life with balance. With more time for your outside work pursuits, you’ll experience less stress.

Our work includes connecting you to your Intuition and Higher Self.  Imagine the satisfaction you’ll feel when you are achieving your true potential in your career and in the areas of life where it really matters to you. All in 90 days, guaranteed!

I motivate driven, passionate & competent professionals find clarity on their speed breaker situation by inspiring them to take focused and empowered action creating momentum for their desired change in their careers and business without compromising their life balance.


Start experiencing the small wins seeing results from the word Go.

A good coaching program requires a structure or at least a framework and all our coaching programs, where private coaching or online courses follows a methodology. Read more about it by clicking here to open a new window with the information.

Interested in the part about How the coaching package is delivered? You can read about it on How Karmic Ally Coaching Works’ (clicking on the link will open a new window so you don’t lose your place on this page)


At Karmic Ally Coaching, we don’t reinvent the wheel or tear down existing structures.

Instead, we work on the premise that progress and success are possible by working on the Foundation Stones, reinforcing those that are solid and replacing the ones that don’t support anymore.

After that, we build unique structures that support your immediate goals and those that arise as you move forward.

Together we create new habits, actions, perspectives, systems that lead to Success. I focus on adding value through better execution.

No two coaching engagements are the same even though I follow a framework or Signature Process. This framework has helped my clients, who refuse to be labelled average achieve their desired results in a better, faster and smarter manner.


The Coaching Engagement is all about you.

Together we focus on achieving your goals ensuring that you take broader rather than compartmentalized actions.

My role in the coaching engagement as Karmic Ally Coach, is one of architect & Trusted Guide who’ll work with you to create your Success Blueprint, mentoring and guiding you to overcome setbacks, use innovative tactics to successfully achieve your goals.

I’m your Ally, a collaborator who walks with you on the path of your holistic transformation journey. An Ally who cares about your success and progress long after the coaching engagement is completed.

Throughout the Coaching Engagement, I focus on assisting you to achieve the chosen goal in a methodical manner.

You’ll be encouraged to hold higher standards for yourself and given the kind of accountability and support that every successful person requires to achieve their true potential.


How serious are you to embrace transformation?

To make sure that you are serious about your transformation, I offer a no cost and no obligation consultation with an application process.

You are required to complete a short questionnaire that will help us make the most of our consultation time.

My coaching method ensures that you start seeing results from the first session and achieve more efficiently and effectively.

No matter which service you choose, including online skills courses, self-coaching products and Kindle books, transformation is inevitable.

The skills that I share and teach work in other areas of your life as well because the focus is on holistic changes that will last long after the coaching engagement is completed.

Many of my clients elect to continue with me even after the 90 Day Signature Programs are completed because they want to achieve more.


What clients tell me about the changes in their Life and Self 

I like to keep in touch with my former clients and am always delighted when they share their progress long after our journey together is over. Here are some of the results that they have shared with me.

Some of the quantifiable results enjoyed by my clients include:

  • higher visibility at the workplace leading to desired career tracks;
  • team building skills;
  • practical career, business and life strategies resulting in achievement of goals, targets; and
  • better life balance.

The qualitative changes in my clients have included their attitudes towards life, their career and most importantly in themselves.

A recurring theme has been the shift towards possibility thinking.

This is accompanied by better decision-making skills, assertiveness and increased initiative during the periods between the coaching sessions.


Self-change journey


Many times, it is not our abilities or skills that hinder us from being unstoppable and achieving the life we want to live. It’s our sense of self-limitation and other self-defeating beliefs that pulls us down.

We will work on these limiting beliefs to gain a better understanding of their underlying fears and replace them with self-affirming beliefs.

I provide customized coaching and am known for providing real time strategies and solutions to actual situations.

I guarantee that you will be galvanized into positive action from the very first session.

Still not convinced? Then let me answer an important question


WHY should I choose to work with You?

or to rephrase, Why You Should Work with Me

Because I have journeyed on the road which you are travelling now. I have been in exactly the same frustrating stuck in a rut situation that you are experiencing.

That was before I learned to be assertive, took back my power and raised my executive presence to be recognized as a valuable asset to my employers.

Finally, I got recognition and credit for the work I used to do from a place of confidence and spiritual strength.

I have a fairly clear idea about why you have approached me – to get speed in reaching your goals and getting results. You’ll learn about lifestyle changes which are provided free with any of my 90 Day Signature Programs.


What sets working with me apart from working with anyone else?

  • I worked in the corporate world as a client facing Chartered Accountant who has seen and overcome challenges that we corporate professionals face. This includes 80-hour weeks, dirty politics and struggles to have some semblance of work life balance.
  • I’m passionate about helping professionals make choices, take action and improve their decision making. Not only using logic but also by encouraging them to tap into their intuition. This ensures their decisions are aligned with their true inner desires to guarantee success in their goals.
  • I take a stand for my clients and believe in them when they need that mentor to push them through their specific roadblock to success.
  • I bring to the table, my many years of life and work experience AND my intuitive ability to get to the crux of the problem in lightning speed. You get mobilized immediately on your path to self-expression and freedom from restraint with simple doable solutions that create the momentum for change. 
  • My approach produces shifts and results from the first session itself.
  • We address your limiting beliefs and fears and remove them with metaphysical techniques that benefit other areas of your life. These techniques include but are not limited to Chakra balancing, creative visualization, tapping and meditation.


What clients say about Karmic Ally Coaching

My Client Testimonials are from real people and in their own words. They’ve had issues with stress, time management, career path and even indecision but wanted to change and were willing to work for it. They are now getting the results they desired long after the coaching engagement ended.

Most importantly, I care about my clients. I come from a place of service and ensure complete confidentiality. I use my intuitive and analytical skills to help bring the deeper issues to the fore.

If I believe the problem cannot be solved by coaching, then I am honest about it. I also keep in touch post engagement completion. I love to hear about my client’s achievements. The Karmic Ally journey does not end when coaching ends!

Are you willing to step up to the plate and put your career aspirations on the fast track?

Are you ready to raise your Executive Presence?

Do you want to achieve a holistic transformation and really want to succeed?

If you answered yes, then I guarantee results that you did not imagine to be possible.

Results that start with the Strategy Session itself.

Let’s talk today.


Level of motivation clouds in the sky

Meet your coach

I believe the world would be a better place if high achieving professionals accepted setbacks and challenges to their careers as Wake Up Calls to embark on a Journey where their empowered course correcting actions create a New World Order that encompasses achieving their career aspirations & potential with authentic life balance.

If you’re a driven, passionate, talented and ambitious professional  who’s hit a speed breaker in your business or career and want to create your desired breakthrough to reclaim control of your situation, then you’ve come to the right place because we can work together on customized strategies and tactics that deliver results.

When my clients first reach out to me, they are not in a very happy place, needing clarity about themselves, their desires, chosen vocation and what will give them peace of mind. They are drawn to me for the very reasons that I highlight in Who Is Karmic Ally Coaching.

Lack of recognition at work, inability to project themselves with confidence and frustration are just some of their professional problems that are playing havoc with other areas of their life. They know they need to take radical steps to change the status quo but they also know they need support and accountability to get them their desired result.

I really get it, because I’ve experienced that dark night of the Soul. I know firsthand the outcome of getting lost in my work rationalizing decisions that were detrimental to other aspects of my life.

Like you, I’ve struggled with and won battles of stress management, corporate politics, life balance and career decisions to emerge in a place where I can confidently say that I live my desired life according to my personal Manifesto and have created a business that provides me with a platform for my desired lifestyle and self-expression for myself. I want that for you too!


She is terrific at helping professionals handle change or challenges

Vatsala and I connected back in June of 2015 and later I came to know her better through a message she sent to me regarding my posts.

She is terrific at helping professionals handle change or challenges and then finding solutions to their life, career and business concerns.

She helped me as I struggled to learn LinkedIn and she provided guidance and support in the areas that I had yet to learn about. Her latest book, “5 Reasons your job hunt isn’t giving desired results: 10 Strategies to strengthen your game plan”, is a testament to her experience and skills as a mentor, coach, and author.

I recommend Vatsala for her ability to solve problems and search for solutions as she did for me when I didn’t know where to find the answers for myself. Thanks, Vatsala!

Recommended by Lorraine Price, Book Coach, Author, Book & Movie Reviewer

Lorraine Price
Book Coach
Email: Vatsala(at)karmicallycoaching(dot)com Phone:91 9818517664
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