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The Magic of Crystals

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Crystals have long been used for healing, Chakra balancing and aura strengthening. They are also used in Vedic Astrology for enhancing qualities an individual needs when a particular planet is weak in their astrological chart.

 Amethyst and stone Asian Goddess pendant


Crystals can also be used for Manifestation of our desires and as a supportive tool while using the Law of Attraction to bring about changes in our lives. 

My personal favourite is the multipurpose Amethyst. Quite often people whom I meet and establish an immediate rapport with are also intuitively drawn to the Amethyst. Interesting, isn’t it?

Such is the power of this beautiful crystal, which works on more than one Chakra. An intuition enhancing stone, meditating with the Amethyst helps to balance both the Third Eye Chakra as well as the Crown Chakra.

The Amethyst’s vibration helps to calm emotions and is a favoured crystal for aura protection as well as for developing psychic powers.


using crystals to balance your chakras and aura


Those of us who practice the Law of Attraction know that a raised vibration level helps with the manifestation process.

Thinking positive thoughts, repeating positive affirmations and gratitude support our intense desire and conceptualization.

Using crystals supports us by lending us their vibrations and strengthening our auric fields. You may wish to program your crystal to be used during meditation to manifest your desire. Or you may simply choose to carry it on your person in the form of jewelry or in your pocket. I find that works too.

The wonderful Rose Quartz, which I consider to be the Happiness Stone, has the ability to not only restore your positive vibrations, but also to enhance your emotional well-being.

This crystal, with its ability to resonate positive feelings and love is also used for balancing the Heart Chakra and healing. Keep the Rose Quartz within your aura as long as possible and observe the difference that it makes. A simple tumble stone will do the trick if you are not keen on jewelry. 

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the main chakra for Manifestation. The crystals associated with it not only help to balance this energy centre but also help with manifesting our desires. They assist in bringing about major changes in our life since the chakra is related to the Will. A great crystal for this is the Golden Yellow Imperial Topaz. 

Other manifestation crystals include Amber Gemstones, Peridot Gemstones, Zircon Crystals and Tiger’s Eye.

Need to improve your communication skills? Use the Throat Chakra crystals, for example, the Blue Topaz, Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine or Blue Tourmaline.


 Crystals to strengthen your psychic development


In Psychic Powers a Fringe Benefit of Meditation, I recommended the Purple Amethyst Crystal to enhance your meditation experience and enhancing psychic powers. We are all intuitive. Each one of us has latent gifts which can come to the fore through meditation & intuition development.  

Different crystals will stimulate the development of these specific gifts and there are quite a range of psychic crystals you might choose to use. 

The choice of crystals depends to a large degree on exactly which gifts you wish to develop.

Any of these crystals will benefit you as these are the locations from where many gifts or psychic abilities originate.

Throat Chakra – Aquamarine, Topaz, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise.

Third Eye Chakra – Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Quartz, Star Sapphire.

Crown Chakra – Amethyst, Diamond, Clear Quartz, Amber.

These Chakra crystals also aid you to increase your vibration. 

Protect your aura from negativity or to ensure psychic protection with Amber, Malachite, Black Tourmaline (a Base Chakra stone that grounds and protects), Amethyst and Clear Quartz.

Regular daily meditation along with the Law of Attraction creates a strong ability within you to manifest your heart’s desire.

Even if you don’t believe in the Law of Attraction, simply keeping the company of crystals will raise your vibrations enhance your spirits. 

Maybe even give you that little nudge of motivation to help you achieve your goals?

Raise your vibrations by practicing the Chakra Balancing exercises and meditations in my book – Stress Management with Chakra Balancing Exercises. Learn more by clicking the image below.
Chakra balancing for stress management ebook

Do you believe in the magic of crystals? Any favorite crystals?


Do share your stories with us!


Written By: Vatsala Shukla



6 Responses to “The Magic of Crystals”

  1. Alexis says:

    I’ve always been drawn to crystals but I hadn’t thought about the energy of inanimate objects impacting me in this way. Reading this post made me reconsider this, so thank you!

    • Karmic Ally says:

      You’re welcome, Alexis. Crystals can impact our energy levels and help support us in our desired goal.

  2. Natasha Botkin says:

    Love crystals. Love the powerful energkes and healing they bring. Xoxo

  3. Reba Linker says:

    I am also drawn to Amethyst, too, Vatsala. It is so beautiful. I’ve always loved it, even as a child.

    • Karmic Ally says:

      Same here, Reba. My Mom had a pair of Amethyst ear studs which she had purchased in Afghanistan during our posting there and I swiped them because I loved them. 🙂 I know it was a long time back but its still my favorite because it also has my Mom’s loving energy.

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I believe the world would be a better place if high achieving professionals accepted setbacks and challenges to their careers as Wake Up Calls to embark on a Journey where their empowered course correcting actions create a New World Order that encompasses achieving their career aspirations & potential with authentic life balance.

If you’re a driven, passionate, talented and ambitious professional  who’s hit a speed breaker in your business or career and want to create your desired breakthrough to reclaim control of your situation, then you’ve come to the right place because we can work together on customized strategies and tactics that deliver results.

When my clients first reach out to me, they are not in a very happy place, needing clarity about themselves, their desires, chosen vocation and what will give them peace of mind. They are drawn to me for the very reasons that I highlight in Who Is Karmic Ally Coaching.

Lack of recognition at work, inability to project themselves with confidence and frustration are just some of their professional problems that are playing havoc with other areas of their life. They know they need to take radical steps to change the status quo but they also know they need support and accountability to get them their desired result.

I really get it, because I’ve experienced that dark night of the Soul. I know firsthand the outcome of getting lost in my work rationalizing decisions that were detrimental to other aspects of my life.

Like you, I’ve struggled with and won battles of stress management, corporate politics, life balance and career decisions to emerge in a place where I can confidently say that I live my desired life according to my personal Manifesto and have created a business that provides me with a platform for my desired lifestyle and self-expression for myself. I want that for you too!

I adhere to the Certified Coaches Alliance Code of Ethics and Standards. A copy is available on request.
1st place BCB 2012
Email: Vatsala(at)karmicallycoaching(dot)com Phone:91 9818517664
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