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Why is it that we only remember the times when we get things wrong and not when we get them right? Not being a psychologist, I don’t have the answer to that but one thing that I know is that focusing solely on the botch-ups and disasters without analyzing what went wrong and creating an action plan to avoid a repeat performance takes us nowhere.
We do lots of things during the day which are successful but take it for granted without acknowledging it. Each time you complete a task which is a byte to successfully achieving the big picture, it merits an entry in your Success Journal. A cache created to record your achievements on a daily basis to see you through the stormy patches of life.
The Success Journal is a gentle reminder that you are a born winner who is simply experiencing life – and learning. It is a great self management tool to keep up your morale, motivation & self-confidence going when times are rough.
Buy yourself a beautiful notebook or create a file on your computer to write your entries. It’s up to you. The one thing that you need to do is write your journal entering at least 3 things that you completed during the day. By the end of the week you would realize how much you have achieved even if some tasks did not go the way you planned them. It’s in writing and difficult to ignore.
For example, if you are hunting for a job and the interviews are not happening as fast as you would like them or not happening at all, instead of brooding, try writing down what you did get right during the day. Your success journal entry could read as
- Submitted my application letter and resume for ABC Ltd’s vacancy.
- Managed to get through to XYZ head-hunter on the telephone who has agreed to follow up on position. (This one is a great achievement. Those in the job hunting mode will know!)
- Located 3 positions on LinkedIn which match my profile and found connections that can make an introduction for me.
Looking back at the end of the day, you would realise that you have been putting in effort in areas that you can control. You may think up new strategies to put into your To Do List to help you further your goals. Most importantly it will boost your self-confidence and prepare you for battle for the next day.
Do you journalize your successes to boost your morale on a not so good day? Or do you use another strategy? I’d love to read about it in the comments box below!
PS. I’ve created a Self-help and Self-study program Self Confidence in 8 Steps on Kindle. If you are a Do It Yourselfer who wants the guidance but loves to fly solo, then this book is a must check out. Just click here.
Written By: Vatsala Shukla
Journal by Junior Libby
This post was first written on 12th April 2012 and has since been updated.
How great to write down what you actually did, so from the perspective of the work/effort you put in, even though the results aren’t still being seen,
I learned this a while ago and has helped me tremendously when I was tempted to give up on some goals and plans just because I wasn’t looking at how far I’ve come but instead at how far I still need to go.
Putting things down in writing compels us to look at facts instead of focusing on negatives or the things that we don’t get right without cutting us some slack for the things that are working. You are way ahead in reaching your goals, Delia!
I often use the Success Journal concept when saving towards a financial goal too. A little nugget that I will be detailing in a new self-help program on Money Management and Lifestyle Maintenance in the coming weeks!
Yes! About a year ago I did an exercise utilizing a book called Strength Finders. It emphasizes a focus on praising and fostering our strengths instead of honing in on weaknesses. As you have pointed out, so often we focus on the negative and that really clouds our accomplishments. I liken this to my checklists. I do these so I can see that while I may not have felt necessarily productive, at the end of the day I can smile knowing I actually did accomplish quite a bit!
I concur with your view Heather. Most of the time when I begin an engagement with a new client, they seem to be overwhelmed by their weaknesses and shortcomings with scant regard to their strengths. The real breakthrough happens when they realize that they have a lot going in their favor but may not have utilized their strengths and talents to its full potential. I like my checklists too, especially being able to make huge tickmarks in a colored pen when I complete the task. A little difficult to ignore the fact that I did achieve something during the day. 🙂
This is a very wonderful idea for gently reminding ourselves that we do accomplish and succeed more often than we believe we do, Vatsala. When we can go back and read it, we can shift from that place of not being enough, not doing enough, to a place of seeing how much we have done. And, when we write it down, it somehow solidifies it and brings these successes into the earth realm, hopefully making them more real and more in our consciousness. And of course anytime we write longhand we are truly more in touch with ourselves, which is always positive.
Absolutely Beverley. I find that when I make long hand notes, the impact is stronger than typing away on a Word document or doing a Success or Gratitude count verbally. The mind registers things better when the fingers are writing, especially when it comes to self confidence boosting.
I use to journal daily. However, with life getting so busy I have not journaled in years.
Life does overtake us sometimes, Shonda. Roslyn shared a wonderful idea of a Feel Good Jar. Perhaps you could try that and get the same benefit.
I was writing things down & putting notes in a ‘feel good success’ jar.Like idea of writing in a pretty journal.. Good suggestion.
Thanks for the idea, Roslyn. I like the idea of a Feel Good Jar, especially if the notes are writtin on colored paper. Just seeing a vibrant jar would boost one’s confidence.
How interesting! My preference is to use a nice hardbound journal using pens of different colors to highlight the importance of the task. If it looks appealing, then one is bound to return to read it.
One client who was having time management and balance issues actually bought a beautiful floral diary to be able to combine her professional and personal appointments in one place. Her logic was that the attractive diary would motivate her to write things down rather than keep them in her head.
A fulfilling, sound, engaging suggestion. I’m adding I like to have the right writing tool, also. I bring throw-away Bic pencils and gel pens from America to smooth the flow of my thinking and make my hand feel good holding. Caring, Prema