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Outward success doesn’t necessarily mean that we have it all. What’s going on inside might be very different.
It’s like the time I completed my nth audit and had a very happy client who agreed to a fee raise. This meant I met my KPI target and got a 25% pay raise.
Yet, inside I thought, if I ever have to do another audit, I’ll throw up.
What used to give me satisfaction suddenly didn’t make sense. I’ve had clients tell me that they too have experienced the same feeling leading them to query whether they want a job or career change.
Something has to give. The status quo is challenged.
At some point or the other, each one of us has felt that we are caught in a rut, cannot move forward and cannot move backwards. There’s a Hindi phrase for it – Trishanku’s Heaven.
A sense of claustrophobia sets in and is quite apparent to those around us from our behavior. The Law of Attraction tells us that “like attracts like”.
If we are despondent and view the world negatively, we’ll only attract more negativity sinking deeper into our rut.
Self-help books and counseling may offer solutions.
However, at the end of the day, it is up to us to get up, shake ourselves free of whatever is holding us back and have a go at getting what we want.
Step out of your comfort zone and shake things up a little to get rid of your inertia
Whether it is a slight tweak to our routine or a life changing decision, the best way to go about it is with baby steps.
Stepping out of your comfort zone means you need to ensure you sustain your commitment and energy levels not to mention drive to get things moving. Be comfortable in what you are doing. As your confidence goes up, you will dare to go further and challenge yourself.
Do something new today
Just shaking up your routine creates a ripple effect for you. Again, it does not have to be earth shattering.
Why not make a change to your exercise routine or try out a new restaurant for Sunday lunch?
New activities bring new perspectives and a different view of the world, whether outside of or within you. You might just find the missing piece of the puzzle that will get you out of your rut.
Deal with your fears head on
Whether it is societal conditioning or a limiting belief that you hold about yourself or your abilities, sit down and analyze where the fear is coming from.
If you find yourself procrastinating, ask yourself, what is stopping you, what do you believe, what is the fear behind the belief?
Challenge yourself to step out and deal with the issue on hand.
Ask yourself, what is the worst that can happen? Most probably not enough to stop you from stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something concrete to get out of the state of inertia.
Stop treating the situation like a problem to be solved
Most importantly, when faced with a situation, don’t think of it as a problem and get caught. Instead, see it as an opportunity for growth and change and a chance to challenge yourself to the limit. Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Stand in the realm of possibility. See what happens when you step out of your comfort zone and make changes. Keep a journal for a week and note down on a daily basis
In what ways were you open or closed to possibilities today?
What triggered your being open or closed?
What were the outcomes of your being open or closed?
When you remained open, what impact did that have on your behavior and of those around you?
Take stock at the end of the week about the changes you noticed in yourself and your situation and celebrate the joys of stepping out of your comfort zone, getting out of your rut and walking into the sunshine.
Whenever you find yourself stuck in a rut or between a rock and a hard place, just look at your journal and the above 4 questions. Come back and share your experiences. Knowledge shared is knowledge enhanced!
What definitive action will You take today?
Shaking yourself out of your rut means being open to change because every Hero Journey begins with a Call to Adventure.
How do you deal with it? Karmic Ally Coaching’s Quiz: Fearing Change or Confident to Win Challenges is your first step to freedom. Take the quiz today.
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Every transformation journey starts with the intention to change – get your copy of the quiz here.
Thank you for sharing the Hindi phrase Tristanku’s Heaven, I loved reading about it and it deeply resonated. I feel that everyone falls into this from time to time. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, only if you stay in the feeling of stuckness. It can be viewed as a time of contemplation or reflection. I have savored my time in Tristanku’s Heaven. You give such wonderful tips to not view it as a problem. Sometimes it is a chance to challenge ourselves or like you mention, do something new, or even something old! This is something I’d love to journal upon, especially being a writer and doing what I do. Thank you for sharing this post, most appreciated.
I’m so happy you enjoyed the post and are going to journal on. As a child I found the story of Trishanku fascinating and the topic of this post gave me a chance to share the story with the world.
The phrase that came to mind is, “When is the last time you did something for the first time?” It usually helps. Thank you.
I love the phrase. It’s certainly one I’m going to try the next time I feel I’m in a rut. Thanks for sharing, Andrea.
Wow are we in sync with our message. I just wrote an article and did a FB live on Getting Unstuck and Freeing Ourselves. Your tips are spot on and needed at this uncertain time where many are struggling with fear and self-doubt. Much love
I felt the same way when I read the article Debra. I feel the Universe wants us to share our message to help during these awful uncertain times.
“Stop treating yourself like a problem to be solved.” I love that!
It was a little bold wasn’t it, Barb.:) I’ve often had to say that to clients who’ve gotten stuck in a rut because deep in my heart, I know they are the solution!
You had my attention with the first paragraph. Our outward success is quite often difference from our inward beliefs. Great article, Vatsala!
Thanks Cindy. Glad you enjoyed the post.
I didn’t realize how comfortable I was in my comfort zone until I read this today. I guess it’s time to put myself out there again. Deep breath, and one step at a time.
A journey of a 1000 miles begins with 1 step. Here’s to your success, Joyce!
Karmic Ally, I love your ideas of taking baby steps to make a change because change is not a natural choice in human nature. We like routine, even if we don’t like the routine itself. So your idea of making a small change is great. Bite off a size of change that is easy to swallow.
Baby steps, little nibbles at the big mountain ultimately lead to the momentum we need to create change, which as you rightly pointed out, Kathleen, is not a natural choice in human nature. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us!
No problems just opportunities to let go and grow- brilliant xxoo This was uplifting thank you
My pleasure, Suzie. Often reframing the subject or viewing it from a different angle creates the much desired breakthrough when we’re caught in a rut.
My favorite part was to stop seeing the situation as a problem, and start seeing it as an opportunity. That is my motto (“Every obstacle is a doorway”) and yet somehow I needed to read it from you today! So grateful for this post!
Every now and then we need to have our motto reinforced, Reba. I’m honored to have had that privilege today.
Divine timing is always on time. Thanks, I needed this. Xoxo
Happy to be of service, Natasha. Let’s get you out of your rut!