
Win your challenges with our unique solutions

Want solutions to the problems that keep you awake at night? That’s where Karmic Ally Coaching helps you create breakthroughs with customized radical and innovative solutions to issues that are keeping you stuck in a rut in the shortest time possible. Believe it or not, even high achievers hit roadblocks in their careers or on their journey to creating a business that expresses their Soul’s Vision and Purpose. Every transformation requires a willingness to accept change. Are you ready to embrace change? Find out with Karmic Ally Coaching's special quiz - Fearing Change or Confident to Win Challenges!

Karmic Ally Coaching Courses and Info-Products

Karmic Ally Coaching Self Help Success Solutions


Different professionals have different learning needs.

Many times, a person is aware of the need to have support to get their desired transformation and results. But the thought of opening up to a coach about their problems is uncomfortable. They might not be able to commit to an hourly or half hourly session of coaching calls or interactions.

Perhaps you are not quite ready to have a coach keep you accountable. Quite possibly, your life priorities do not allow you to make an investment in yourself.

In a 2013 Learning Survey, 61.9% of the participants responded that they preferred to study at their own pace.

Of this percentage, 50% also stated that they would like to have access to a personal instructor during their learning process.

Interestingly, Karmic Ally Coaching has been offering this model since 2012!

Karmic Ally Coaching believes in changing with the times. Using client and subscriber feedback we create Self-help Products and Courses to meet the need of individuals who prefer to self-coach.

Each product or course can be completed within 7 days.  After that, consistent action produces greater results. They are designed for self- paced learning.

These Information Products and Courses can also be purchased by you as part of your post coaching self-learning.


Self-Help Information Products currently on offer 


–        Developing Leadership Guide and Planner

–       Developing Your Self-Awareness

–      How to Gain a Competitive Edge by becoming a Strategic Thinker

–        Life Focus in 7 Days

–       Crack the Code to Your Professional Brand & Create an Awesome Online Presence

–       Job Search Success Secrets for Professionals 

–      Advanced Strategies Guaranteed to Help Get More Clients 

–     Growth Mindset Bundle 

–     Eight Tested Commandments for Time Management and Prioritize Your Life Bundle

–    How to Develop Emotional Intelligence with Ease 

–   Influential Leader Crash Course 

Living the Gig Economy Life with Success

–  Unleash the Energy of Money

–  Monitor Your Brand with LinkedIn Social Selling Index


(Details can be seen by clicking the links)

More Programs and self-coaching solutions are being added so please do visit this page again!

The format is structured to ensure that each Module in a Program result in focused action plans. You’ll also understand interrelationship of the different aspects of your life and how they affect other areas.

Clear practical techniques are provided to be practiced by you on a consistent basis to help with your self-improvement.

Supplementary reading material will be provided or suggested where required.

These affordable offerings are meant for professionals & self-employed persons who want to work at their own pace.


Karmic Ally Coaching Sucess Solutions 

In August 2016, we started our Karmic Ally Coaching online courses at Teachable. The school had online courses as well as digital products.

We launched Karmic Ally Coaching Success Solutions in October 2023.

Click on the links below to check out the available courses.


Current published courses include:

Executive Presence for the Ambitious Woman Professional 

Emotional Intelligence – The Basics for Professional Success

5 Step Method to win your Time Management Challenge

Detox Your Toxic Workplace

5 day Zero in on your important Career Need

Mind Mastery for Professional Women – Transform Limiting Beliefs for Career Success


Other courses at VatsalaShukla.com

21 Days from Chaos to Order - Clutter Challenge

21 Days from Chaos to Order – The Clutter Free Movement

How to Stop Procrastinating Mini Course

Procrastination mini courseClick this link to learn more about this mini course (opens a new window)


Need solutions to more specific problems?

Click the links to be taken to the details and purchase.


Mind Mastery for Professional Women: Transform Limiting Beliefs and Achieve Career Success

Are your limiting beliefs holding you back?

This 60-minute micro course is designed to help you reprogram limiting beliefs, boost your confidence, and unlock the career success you deserve.

Thes course offers quick, actionable tools that will empower you to:

  • Recognize and eliminate limiting beliefs that hold you back
  • Reframe your mindset to embrace new opportunities with confidence
  • Use visualization techniques to solidify your success goals
  • Take immediate, aligned action toward your professional aspirations

Click here or on the image below and take decisive action!


Mind Mastery Course on Apple Desktop


Finding Harmony: A Guide to Balancing Life for the Busy Professional

Regaining work-life balance is a step-by-step process that requires us to look at various aspects of our lives in honest and frank ways.

Ready to strike the right balance and achieve work-life harmony as a professional?

Get this resource now!


Finding Harmony: A Guide to Balancing Life for the Busy Professional invitation

Level Up Your Leadership

Take Ownership of your Professional Development and Up level Your Leadership Skills.


Level Up Your Leadership mockup


Freedom from Procrastination

A 5-step approach that helps you understand your habit and make changes so you can focus on important tasks without excuses. Get the course details here. 


Freedom from Procrastination course mockup


Speak with Confidence

Enhance Your Confidence Speaking In Front of People So You Can Captivate, Impress and Influence Your Audience here.

Speak with Confidence mockup


Positive Thinking Secrets

How to Build a Positive Mindset, Re-program your Mind for Success and Destroy Negative Limiting Beliefs!

Guidance on building a positive mindset reinforced with a 21 Day challenge. Enroll here!

Positive Thinking Secrets Product mockup


How to Improve Leadership Presence with 1 Unique Tactic 


Stress Management with Chakra Balancing Exercises 

Stress management with Chakra Balancing Exercises Guide

Click this link to learn more (opens a new window)

Master the tedious task of filling out Online Job Applications with this guide


Special Report for filling out online job applications

Click this link Here (opens a new window)


Ace Your Interview with Tips and Guidance that Works

Ace Your Interview 5 trickiest questions

Click Here for details


5 things you need to consider before jumping into business

Karmic Ally Coaching workbook on 5 things you need to consider before jumping into business

Click Here to Learn More


Monitor Your Brand with LinkedIn’s Social Selling Index

Click here to learn more about the guide or on the image below to download and use instantly


Monitor Your Brand with LinkedIn's Social Selling Index



Self-coaching Solutions on Kindle

I’m on a constant quest to find solutions to challenges that you would like to solve in a self-coaching format. Right now, there are now 8 titles available on Kindle including international bestselling collaboration books.

Click the image below to go to my Author Page on Amazon (a new window will open) title to learn more about the books.

Or click here to open my website page on Kindle books. A new window will open for you to read the description of the book’s content and purchase.


Vatsala Shukla's author page on Amazon



Check out my other recommended resources both paid and free here.


Since Karmic Ally Coaching is offering non-tangible irrevocable goods, we do not issue refunds once the order is accomplished and access is granted to the product. As a customer you are responsible for understanding this upon purchasing any item on this site.

Please note all digital products are non-refundable once payment is processed. This digital product is yours forever. If you have any questions or concerns, ask in advance of purchase at vatsala(at)karmicallycoaching(dot)com.

Please remember to read the Privacy policy before making any purchases of products.

What’s in it for you? You’ll start

  • Taking action with simplified solutions to your pressing problems
  • Feeling empowered as you realize your own capabilities
  • Working efficiently and effectively towards & achieving personal coaching goals that you set for yourself
  • Developing skills and abilities which can be used in the future to make further progress in different areas of life, whether personal or professional growth
  • Establishing a foundation for further self development
  • Cost effective as the Programs cost only a fraction of the amount of interactive coaching


If you are in need of a “Wake Up Call” and a new focus for your career

Jeff Young profile photo  If you are in need of a “Wake Up Call” and a new focus for your career, you need look no further than Vatsala Shukla. I have been impressed with her skills and experience from the very beginning.

She is one of the most knowledgeable people I know when it comes to what it takes to gain control of and achieve a fulfilling career.

I highly recommend that check her out, connect with her and gain from her vast experience. I am very pleased to have her as a part of my virtual network. You will be too!

Jeff Young 

Jeff Young
Email: Vatsala(at)karmicallycoaching(dot)com Phone:91 9818517664
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