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Ambitious driven professionals have a tendency to set the bar high – for others and more importantly, for themselves.
If the bar is at a reachable stretch, it is achieved with the right amount of effort. When you cross the bar, you can raise it again. Bar heights are not set in stone.
What happens when the bar is set so high that you, an otherwise competent professional start to struggle?
Well, it could be exhaustion (working long weekdays and weekends), strained relationships with colleagues, family & friends and if pushed too far, the creation of a self-destructive negative mindset, unhappiness and perhaps depression.
High achievers in school and college may have the bar set for them by others. Maybe parents who are trying to live their unfulfilled ambitions through their children, teachers who need to prove that they produced fine students and even us if we really want to be seen as part of the A Group.
Since we believe and are conditioned by others and ourselves, we don’t step back to ask;
Does this work for me?
What worked for me in the past………does it still work?
Today, I’m writing from the perspective of a Super Professional who found peace and success when I moved from perfectionism to being human.
I also found that I was still on top of my game but much happier and loved.
Success without happiness is no success
To share advice from my Mother, who I acknowledge is a wise lady and often quotes words of wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita – Happiness comes from within. Do your best and leave the rest to God.
My best friend in Poland, who suffered from the same malady was intelligent enough to figure things out sooner than I did advises –
Don’t be so hard on yourself
I say – Be kind to yourself
You are your best friend.
Your companions in the journey of Life will come and go. Some may stay for a season and some for a purpose or reason but the one constant is you and your relationship with yourself.
So before you practice love and compassion for others and try to save the world, love yourself.
Be kind to yourself.
There is only one of you in this world; you are a masterpiece. So go forth and achieve without destroying everything which has value for you in the long run.
Embrace Compassion, embrace yourself and know that being critical or judgmental about yourself will not help you achieve your goals, even if after reading this post, you decide to lower the bar to a reachable height.
Emotionally Intelligent people practice self-awareness as the first stepping stone to showing empathy and understanding of others.
If this is an area that you know you need to improve on, now is the time to develop self-awareness.
Here are a few pointers to get you started on loving yourself and being kind to yourself.
The rest will come to you on your journey to Self-Compassion.
Step into the Now. Cherish each moment as if it were the last moment you have. Stop to smell the flowers, say hello to an elderly neighbor, dust the books on your bookshelf and watch the sky change colours during sunset.
Hey, even pat your pet dog or cat! Value who and what surrounds you in the moment. That moment will be a part of the past before you realize it.
Work out what the important things in your Life are. Is it meeting a deadline that can wait till tomorrow or being home in time for dinner with the family? In other words, value what is really important for you in your life. Don’t take family and friends for granted. Love them, appreciate them.
Learn to listen to your intuition and your heart. When you feel a sense of guilt about something, know that you are being told to correct course by your Higher Self. We are all connected to Divinity.
When we stop to love ourselves, our true Inner Nature comes out – one that loves unconditionally and is loved back unconditionally by the world.
When your Gremlins come out to play, acknowledge them and send them on their way. Be kind to yourself. Remember there is only one of you.
A lady whom I once knew used to write letters to others when she wanted to tell them things that she knew if said would destroy the relationship. It used to help her get things off her chest. She would then destroy those letters.
I suggest you write a letter to yourself today acknowledging how wonderful you are and why you need to be kind to yourself. It may be a short letter or a very long one. Read it a few days later and do come back to tell me what you realized.
Until then, be kind to yourself.
Written By: Vatsala Shukla
Great post, I think the Universe wanted me to read it now. Thanks!
Delighted the Universe guided you to this point when you needed to read it most, Vanita.
I love the writing style of this post. How you interweave quotes & feelings from people who are meaningful to you with your own insights & advice. If more people lived “be kind to yourself” as you signed off, we’d probably have happier people & a kinder world!
Welcome to The Karmic Ally Coaching Experience Blog, Liz and thank you for the compliment! It is easier to be genuinely kind to others when we know and treat ourselves with kindness first.
We get carried away into busyness and conducting our lives by checking off our ever-growing lists.
I love that you mentioned patting your pet – this is something I do with my dog and it’s known to give me calmness 🙂
Ah yes, Delia. We pet people do have a ready made antidote for stress right at home. 🙂 When I first learned that some hospitals had a plan for dogs and cats to visit the infirm to help raise their spirits, I knew that it was the right move towards enhancing the healing process.
My guess is that many people are still very hard on themselves. I think we are our own biggest critics and yet all that does is derail us and often paralyze us from moving forward. The idea of starting within very much interests me. Life truly does happen from the inside out, and yet we seem so very concerned about what the outside world is doing or saying we need to be doing or saying. I am guilty of being hard on myself and am learning to step back and find the space and time to refocus and be kinder and gentler with myself. It is a reminder we all can use, especially as life becomes more hectic and more filled with outside influences and distractions. Thanks for the timely post, Vatsala. Very appreciated.
Always welcome, Beverley. Quite often, many of us who need to stop and smell the roses have been high achievers early in life or have tried to live up to others expectations without asking if we were happy. A journey inward always provides clarity and whether we really need to push ourselves. Kindness needs to start with us, if we are going to be kind to others.