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This is the time of the year when most of us start slowing down and take stock of where we are. Our focus is on planning for a better new year.
Resolutions are made which most probably are adhered to till a week into the New Year. Then we are back where we started. Quite possibly, the challenge is our inability to move forward in positive motion because of our inability to let the past go.
Are you guilty of clinging to the past?
If yes, then please read this post because until you let go of the past (which I also covered in my post ‘Isn’t it time you stopped believing in ghosts) there is no way that you are going to be living in the present or even creating the kind of future that you wish you had.
No amount of chakra balancing, tapping, creative visualization or Law of Attraction will help you achieve your goals until you make the required changes in your subconscious mind.
Instead of using the past as a barometer for your future success, just let it go!
Otherwise, you’ll simply paralyze yourself into inaction.
I learned a long time back that the only way to keep moving forward and that too in a constructive manner was to accept that the past is gone and the need to focus on the present which is one’s reality and from where we are building our future.
Clinging to the past with all the residual emotions of hurt, pain and negativity only prevent us from moving forward towards our soul’s life purpose.
It is necessary to fill one’s mind with positive thoughts and consciousness to attract all the good things that the Universe can send our way by using the Law of Attraction to create a better future.
The only real purpose of thinking of the past is to take away lessons learned so we won’t repeat them again.
I learnt that just as I have control over my actions, I also have control to take steps to remove any hidden negative traits within me.
Removing hidden Negative Traits
We often acquire negative traits in the course of our life without even realizing that they are there.
The good news about negative traits, no matter their origin or if they have been acquired over the years, these traits can be removed permanently enabling us to move forward with confidence using our positive qualities, traits and gifts by focusing our intent on strengthening them with the support of one’s Higher God-Mind.
We are all born for a purpose in this life even if you have not yet realized that purpose, draw comfort from the fact that the very positive traits in your personality are the key to unlocking the mystery of your personal destiny and lifestyle in this life.
Be assured that your Higher God-Mind will support you whichever mode of effort you take, whether it is through conditioning your subconscious mind, meditation or any other metaphysical means.
Here are 2 techniques that work.
Visualization Meditation
This method involves using an affirmation and repeating it a few times until you can feel it and then entering the state of meditation.
In this example, we will use affirmations and meditation to help us to move away from our negative trait of clinging to the past and moving into a positive future.
“Through the Power of my God-Mind, I release past negativity and release my mind, God-Directed, into a positive future.”
Next, enter into a state of meditation
In your mind, see yourself where you are sitting or reclining.
In your mind, think of this negative trait of clinging to the past (or any negative traits you possess) as your dark shadow in your body.
Now, see this shadow representing negative traits leaving your body and being replaced with the Spiritual Light of your True God-Self.
Sit quietly for another five minutes in meditation, after you feel that your visualization has had an effect.
My Experience with this exercise
The first time I experimented with the visualization technique during my evening meditation using the affirmation for ‘Clinging to negative past/moving into positive future’, I noted that I felt drowsy after I completed the meditation and dozed off for about 10 minutes. On awakening, I felt refreshed, energetic and lighter.
From experience I know that the visualization had worked as I often experience this effect when I have released negative emotions accumulated during the day through meditation.
The sense of lightness was new and repeated visualizations over the following days brought about a changed perspective when dealing with issues to which I have reacted differently in the past.
Re-label Your Negative Experience
If affirmations combined with meditation are not your cup of tea, then acquiring a new perspective on an experience can help at a deeper personal level by rewiring our brain by breaking the negative feedback loop and think positively.
Here we change the label of the experience to take the negativity out of it and let go of the fear that stops us from moving forward. So for example, take a negative experience and re-label it as a learning experience. Our experiences, whether good or bad do provide us with an opportunity to learn valuable lessons and ensure that our present is better.
No experience is ever wasted but offers much in terms of wisdom and input to prevent us from repeating our mistakes.
Using the metaphysical technique outlined above or the re-labeling exercise, you will be able to remove the negative energies surrounding that experience and use it to your advantage.
While you cannot go back into the past and change things, you can re-frame the past, increase your knowledge and experience and sharpen your intuitive skills.
Your present is your place of power and action and by focusing on positive thoughts and consciousness you can fulfill your destiny.
What exercises do you use to let go of the past and move forward with an upbeat attitude?
Sometimes its a mindset issue that requires consistent action and I have a great resource for you.
Claim Your Bundle: Develop the Right Mindset to Boost Your Career and Business + Success Mindset Planner
Fabulous advice, especially letting go of the past… I always believe there are things that happen for a reason (good or bad) and that I wouldn’t be where I am at now if those things did not occur!
Thank you Cher. Our experiences do make us and it all depends upon how we embrace the lessons of those experiences, good or bad. Thanks for dropping by.
Great reminders! Even little meditations help in many situations. I always have to remind myself to stop and breathe deeper. I work as a cashier (for now) and when a customer is getting flustered over a missing bank card or machine glitch I tell them to relax and breathe. It usually helps diffuse the stress for both of us.
The work of a cashier can be very stressful considering how many people are served within an hour or even a quarter of an hour AND the dealing is with money. That’s a brilliant way to keep the stress levels down for the customer and especially for you since you have a longer day of dealing with the little glitches that throw us off without it even being your doing. Thanks for visiting me, Kathryn.
I always say there is a reason the rear-view mirror is so small and the windshield is so big. Most definitely – learn from it and move on living a beautiful life.
Absolutely, Heather. Hindsight is always 20-20 vision and once we take the required lessons and use that knowledge, there is nothing to stop us from having a better future and a beautiful life. I love your reasoning about the rear-view mirror and windshield. It says so much at a deeper level!
What great advice, especially the meditation. It is something I always try to include at least once during my week because it really helps to ground me and provides focus for the days ahead. I shall be trying your suggestion this week. Thanks.
Hi Caroline. Thank you for visiting The Karmic Ally Coaching Experience Blog. Meditation has many health benefits and I am delighted that you use it as a tool for grounding. Would love to read your feedback on my suggestions later this coming week.