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Have you decided what you want to achieve during the New Year?
Having a sound strategy coupled with the right intentions works. Help from the Universe using the Law of Attraction might just make it your best year yet.
I’ve written about the technique of using Creative Visualization for Crisis Management as well as combining it with the law of attraction to achieve career success before.
Yet there are times when we don’t hit the bull’s eye.
There are finer points we need to cover and not just chant mantras and affirmations thinking we will manifest what we want.
Let’s take a deeper look.
How and Why to Set Your Intentions
Setting intentions allows you to describe not just what you want, but what you intend to do.
In the post ‘Are You Intent on Intending’, we used intentions to do better time management.
With the Law of Attraction, you’re asking the universe for what you want. You do this by saying what you are trying to attract and how you want things to go.
It is similar to setting any intentions in your life, but you want to write them down using the method of scripting. Meaning, you write as if they have already happened.
Why Set Intentions?
With intentions, you aren’t just thinking a random thought about what you might want. You’re specifically asking the universe for something you deeply desire. There might even be a goal in sight that you want to achieve.
The intention takes it to the next level, where you have made the decision, asked the universe, and begin the process of manifesting it.
Intentions are very powerful when they are done correctly. As with any skill that we want to master, it helps to start small and build your Intention Muscle.
Choose Different Types of Intentions
Remember that there are different ways to set intentions, including different times to do it. You might have daily intentions, weekly or monthly, or even longer than that, such as your yearly intentions.
Try first with simple daily intentions. Think about what you need to get done today. Not the meaningless tasks, but the tasks that get you closer to your goals.
Write down your intentions, visualize yourself completing them, and then go on with your day.
You can try this whenever you have new intentions, whether it is something for the week, the month, what you want to manifest this year. Anything you can think of that you want to attract in your life.
Think About What You’re Manifesting
When you’re beginning to write out your intentions, you want to do so in a scripting method – where it is in the present tense. Write about it as if it has already happened. Try to visualize what you are trying to manifest when writing them down.
First, write down what you want to manifest. Just one word or phrase that describes what it is. Then close your eyes and visualize having that thing.
It could be money, wealth, status, fame, a house or car, a relationship, big group of friends, or traveling to a dream destination.
With it in your mind, open your eyes and set your intentions. Write down in a journal what your dream was, in vivid detail, with as much feeling and emotion as you can muster.
One of the best examples that I know of was shared by Rev. Anne Presuel in her Divinely Intuitive Business Group that I was a member of a few years back.
When she was ready to manifest her true-life partner after a failed marriage, she scripted what she wanted in great detail.
Amazingly, Mr. Right not only came into her life, but she married one of the most amazing men in the world who matched everything she had asked for.
Read her book to learn more about this method.
Be Specific
Intentions are short, but also specific. Generalizations won’t work so say exactly what your intentions are. This can be in list form, scripting, or in the form of affirmations that you repeat to yourself every day.
Your Feelings Are Stronger Than Your Thoughts
I personally believe this is the secret sauce to a successful manifestation.
Among the different misconceptions about the law of attraction and manifesting, is one in particular – the universe does not recognize thoughts, it recognizes feelings.
The reason visualization is so powerful in the law of attraction isn’t because you are thinking about what you want, but because it helps you actually feel it.
It’s like the time I manifested the new laptop during a holiday as well as a new internet connection. You can read the story here.
My feelings were intense and even though my computer guy was out of town, he managed to arrange what I needed.
Here are the 2 factors that come into play.
Like Attracts Like
This is something you will hear and read over and over again when you study the law of attraction.
It goes back to the first influencers of the law of attraction, where they said like attracts like.
If you spend your time visualizing what you want and feeling it, you are going to attract more of those good feelings.
But if you spend all your time thinking about your limiting beliefs and why you think it could never happen, then the universe is going to make sure you keep feeling that.
This means you want to focus your time, attention, and energy on what you want instead of what you don’t want, even if it has to do with ending your current situation.
Don’t think about how right now you can’t pay your bills – spend your time thinking about when you are able to pay your bills. This is what like attracts like comes down to.
Tips for Focusing More on Your Feelings
Manifesting what you want does begin with asking the universe what you want, but it doesn’t stop with your thoughts. You really need to tap into your feelings if you want this to work.
To focus more on your feelings, here are a few tips:
Use detailed visualizations. When you visualize, start by putting the vision in first person perspective. You want to see what you are dreaming of from your point of view.
Not like someone watching you in movie, but you actually living that life. If you want a house with a pool, think about swimming in that pool, right down to the feeling of the water on your skin, your fingers pruning, splashing in the water. Sense everything you can during your visualizations.
Try meditating. If you struggle with your thoughts and fears taking over your mind, try meditating for a few minutes a day.
Scripting works miracles. Literally! When you script what you want to manifest, you go beyond just thinking about what you want and actually put yourself in the place where you already have it.
Write your intentions and your manifestations, but as if they already exist. Instead of “I want to buy my dream home”, you would write “I am so thankful after purchasing my dream home!” and get as specific as you can.
You could go further and add details, like “I am lucky to have a garden with my dream home. Each of the three bedrooms has an attached bathroom.” And more.
Let’s look at scripting in detail.
The ‘I Am’ Rule in Scripting
Scripting is an extremely powerful way to use the Law of Attraction. Instead of asking the universe what you want as if you don’t have it now, which is going to attract more lack of that thing, you ask in a way that you already have it.
Since like attracts like, you always want to ask in present tense, as if what you are asking for has already happened. This is where the “I Am” rule comes in.
What is the I Am Rule?
The I Am rule says that when you are scripting in your journal about what you are trying to manifest, you always write “I am”, instead of “I want to” or “I will”.
You’re writing in present tense as you will find out in the next paragraph, so make sure you start each sentence with phrases like:
I am
I do
I have
It is really easy to change any negative statement into a positive one.
For example, if you find yourself writing “I want to”, your focus is visualizing on the lack of something, not as if you already have it.
Change that to “I have” or “I am” and it completely changes your perspective to a feeling of abundance.
Scripting is done in present tense, always, no exceptions
This is a way to ask the universe for what you want but write it down as if it has already happened. You are thanking the Universe for bringing this into your life.
Not sure how this works? Think about what you want or what you are trying to manifest.
Now imagine you already have that thing or are living that life. Then write as if it is in the future when you have that dream already, and what you might say.
For example, if you are trying to manifest a new car, don’t think about what you have to do to get it or that you don’t have it now.
Write as if you have that car, and how you feel about it. How excited you are to drive it and thank the universe for bringing this new car to you.
Tips for Changing Your Mindset
In the beginning, it is hard to get past the old way of journaling, where you are talking more about what you don’t want, instead of what you do want.
Scripting is all about acting as if, being in the future when you have what you are trying to manifest.
If you find yourself writing about lack or what you want, not as if you already have it, take each sentence, cross off the words that point to lack, and replace them with words that represent abundance.
How to Recognize Signs from the Universe
As you begin manifesting, and using various methods in the Law of Attraction, you may get to a point where you are a little confused as to what direction you are meant to take next, in order to make your desires a reality.
The Universe tends to send you signs in many different forms about the path you are on, helping you to see when what you manifested is coming true for you.
If you are concerned about missing these signs, here are some things to look for.
Look for Patterns in Everything You Come Across
If you want to look for signs for the universe, it helps to first know what you’re looking for.
One way to see signs is in different patterns.
This might be seeing the same symbol over and over again, like a peace sign or a certain shape, or you may see number sequence like 555 or 11:11 over and over again.
Another thing people often notice is that they keep seeing the same kind of bird before something great happens.
Pay More Attention Outward
The reason people often miss signs from the Universe is because they aren’t paying attention.
Start noticing other things in the world, paying attention to everything around you.
When you go outside to walk your dogs or for a stroll, notice any smells or sights you experience. Don’t just watch your dogs but watch the birds in the sky. Notice how tall the grass is, what sounds you might hear, what seems to be out of place. Or something you never noticed in that area before.
Not only will you often see signs in these simple things, but it helps to open up your mind. You’ll become a more observational person in general.
This is a really important trait to have when you have to notice signs the Universe may be sending you.
Listen to and Trust Your Intuition
Your intuition is telling you a lot, even when you aren’t listening.
Do you ever just get this weird feeling?
Maybe you suddenly start thinking about a person just before they call, or you have a song playing in your head before it plays on the radio.
Sometimes, when you meet someone, you have immediate good or bad feelings, or you get this overwhelming feeling of joy before going to an event.
This is your intuition talking to you, sending you vital signals.
The more you pay attention to it, the more you can read your own intuition and listen to your gut. This can also be a powerful way the universe sends you important signs.
May you achieve all that your heart desires in the New Year!
Law of Attraction Essentials for the Real World Bundle
This bundle of resources will help you apply the Law of Attraction to manifest your intentions while improving your life and reaching your goals.
The bundle includes 3 planners and short reports to enable you to make any year your year of manifesting the best!
Very well articulated, the entire technique and process of manifestation. It’s an intense process, hence not easy to master without an able coach, but certainly feasible and proven for many.
Thanks Sandeep. One of the biggest blocks I’ve noticed is holding the belief that what we desire will manifest with the right mindset and action. Holding the right vibration to attract more of what we want and less of what we can’t be challenging and yet with patience it can be done.