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How to be aligned to make manifesting goals easy

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Man looking up at the sky and stars to align and make manifesting his goals easier


It’s important for you to know and understand that we change with our experiences and what makes us happy.

This isn’t just about our lives, careers or even business. At times the change is brought about because of external circumstances and sometimes from within.

It could be you’re not experiencing job satisfaction or want to do something else. Perhaps a career change is on the horizon?

In business, especially for coaches and consultants, we grow with our business. The goal then is to pivot or to start exploring new ways to make our business match where we are in our own personal journey.

I’m going through something similar with my beloved Karmic Ally Coaching.

It’s still my vehicle to create the change I want to see in the world and that won’t change. The way I want to achieve more self-actualization will undergo a change.


The journey from Point A to Point B is not the end of the journey


I couldn’t understand why after 25 years of being a top performer, having a high functioning group, and yet things didn’t work right anymore.

I wasn’t ready to address the elephant in the room.

My wakeup call that things had to change started with a suspected angina attack while driving home from work late at night on the highway. I was working for 2 toxic bosses in a toxic workplace. The referring cardiologist told me to decide if I wanted to live or die.

I choose to live.

I realized the fulfillment I used to get in my job no longer existed. All my previous employers were great. This employer was a good paymaster, but I needed more.

I wanted to do something more with my life.

That’s when I used the art of creative visualization to create Karmic Ally Coaching.

But it wasn’t overnight. I had to first align with the fact that one life was ending, and another one was starting.

I needed to align myself with the excitement of what I was learning and move into a new phase of my life.

With acceptance, the actions I took brought me back into alignment. I knew I was back to being in high vibration when the new business started bringing in wonderful clients and sales of my products.

13 years into it, the professional who started the business is a different person. Even the world is different!


Mosque and minaret with sunset in th backdrop and a quote on being worthy of you wildest dreams


What was in alignment then might not be alignment now.


That’s why I keep inviting subscribers and visitors to my blog to talk to me. Not to get you on a call for some high-pressure sales tactic but to understand where you’re at and what needs to change in your life to make your heart sing.

Satisfaction is so underrated!

Mockup of Law of Attraction Essentials for the Real World product

Here’s the hard truth.

Everything in your life, what you feel, what you see, what you eat and drink, the people you talk to, the pets you love, all have vibrations of energy.

High vibrations attract more high vibrations, and low vibrations attract more low vibrations.

If you feel high vibrational energy, where you are happy, light, and go about your life knowing everything is working out, you are in alignment with the universe. Things in your life are going as they are meant to.


When it comes to manifesting, your vibration needs to be an energetic match.


That’s what alignment is all about.

For example, in October 2020 when my late pet Miss Coco had to have surgery for a mammary gland tumor. It had already been delayed due to the lockdown and was going to be high risk given the pet’s age.

The vet had already told me that the 10-day post-surgery period would require complete dedication and devotion to Miss Coco’s recovery. Full recovery would require 6 weeks.

Miss Coco was an integral member of my family and had seen us through the worst period of the first wave of the pandemic. There was no second guessing or thinking. She deserved a fighting chance, and we went with it.

I worked on ensuring that I was aligned to see her through her surgery and 6-week recovery period. I used the skill of creative visualization to create what I wanted – her coming through the surgery.

I’d used this skill with success before to pass my Chartered Accountancy exams before and also to manifest a new computer once, so I was confident it would work to support a living being.

And so, it was. The surgery on the 12-year-old dog was successful and the vet marveled at how well she had taken the anesthetic.


This is an example of being in extreme high vibration mode, but it can’t be sustained long term.


To continue my story, I was happy but completely exhausted when the recovery period was over.

Then an unfortunate event happened when a contractor used a jackhammer drill on the top floor of our apartment complex. This drill is not meant to be used inside buildings but is meant for breaking roads.

The vibrations and noise were intense and before I could do anything, she had a seizure. The next 18 days were spent trying to save her life without success.

Having expended our physical, mental and emotional energy, neither the pet nor I were a vibrational match for this situation. We were out of alignment. Despite the best medical treatment, Miss Coco left for the Rainbow Bridge.

If you’re a pet lover, you can read her story in my Kindle tribute, Miss Coco: the Princess Pup who changed my life forever.

There are more stories about her and how the universe responded providing support when we used the Law of Attraction. We manifested miracles.


Woman holding Kindle ebook about Miss Coco


Let’s talk about you now. What if you are out of alignment?

That is what I want to help you with.

Not sure that you are currently in alignment with the universe?


Tell-tale signs you need to better align with what you want


You don’t have gratitude for what you already have. Manifesting anything in your life begins with gratitude. You already have so many blessings in your life, no matter who you are or what life you are living. Be grateful for what you have each and every day, thanking the universe continuously.

You have mostly negative thoughts. Do you find that most of your thoughts and feelings are negative? When you journal, pay attention to your mood and your mindset. If everything you write about is a rant or vent, then that is definitely lowering your vibration.

Bad things keep happening to you. Do you ever say you are just unlucky and feel like no matter what you do, bad things always keep happening? What if someone told you that YOU were the reason this keeps happening? Remember like attracts like – if you want to be in alignment, you have to let this go, and instead focus on what you WANT out of life.

You feel lost or confused about your purpose. Sometimes, your vibrational energy gets low because you are a little lost. You don’t know what you want or what direction to go in next. This might be a sign that it is time for some self-reflection.


Harriet Tubman quote on dreams and manifesting against backdrop of universe


3 Things you can do right now to get back in alignment


Now that you know whether or not you are in alignment, here are some tips for balancing out your thoughts, desires, feelings, and actions so the universe knows what you are trying to attract:

Live As If. Start by living as if what you want has already happened. If you want to lose weight and get your ideal body, think how you would live if you already lost the weight. How would your daily life be different? What would you eat? What activities would you do?

Express Gratitude. Be thankful to the universe, to the blessings in your life, and the people and pets who bring you joy. Do this often.

Be in the Moment. Try to be more mindful of your life and your experiences. Don’t just think about what you are trying to manifest but enjoy your life right now. This goes far with raising your vibration and aligning with the universe.

Try 7 more practical ways to raise your vibration here. 


Cinderella standing on a tree stump in the forest and Walt Disney quote on dreams


Final Words and encouragement


When practicing alignment for manifestation, you need to practice from a place of detachment. Don’t worry about the How part, focus on the What part and take action.

But for the big-ticket items in your life, you need to build more momentum.

While you don’t have to achieve some perfect state of being to manifest what you want, you do need to be feeling good more than feeling badly. That means being in alignment.

To be honest, I didn’t believe in the Law of Attraction until I started receiving from the Universe!

I was first introduced to the Law of Attraction and other Universal Laws while studying to become a Master SPIRIT Life Coach more than a decade ago.

Practicing what I was being taught, I discovered this Law works!

It’s not some woo-thing but a method of aligning our desires with focused attention and deliberate action to manifest what our heart truly desires.

I suggest you give it a shot too. That’s where the Law of Attraction Essentials for the Real World tools will support you. Use the ones that resonate most with you right now and start getting results.


Mockup of Law of Attraction Essentials for the Real World product



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Meet your coach

I believe the world would be a better place if high achieving professionals accepted setbacks and challenges to their careers as Wake Up Calls to embark on a Journey where their empowered course correcting actions create a New World Order that encompasses achieving their career aspirations & potential with authentic life balance.

If you’re a driven, passionate, talented and ambitious professional  who’s hit a speed breaker in your business or career and want to create your desired breakthrough to reclaim control of your situation, then you’ve come to the right place because we can work together on customized strategies and tactics that deliver results.

When my clients first reach out to me, they are not in a very happy place, needing clarity about themselves, their desires, chosen vocation and what will give them peace of mind. They are drawn to me for the very reasons that I highlight in Who Is Karmic Ally Coaching.

Lack of recognition at work, inability to project themselves with confidence and frustration are just some of their professional problems that are playing havoc with other areas of their life. They know they need to take radical steps to change the status quo but they also know they need support and accountability to get them their desired result.

I really get it, because I’ve experienced that dark night of the Soul. I know firsthand the outcome of getting lost in my work rationalizing decisions that were detrimental to other aspects of my life.

Like you, I’ve struggled with and won battles of stress management, corporate politics, life balance and career decisions to emerge in a place where I can confidently say that I live my desired life according to my personal Manifesto and have created a business that provides me with a platform for my desired lifestyle and self-expression for myself. I want that for you too!

I adhere to the Certified Coaches Alliance Code of Ethics and Standards. A copy is available on request.
1st place BCB 2012
Email: Vatsala(at)karmicallycoaching(dot)com Phone:91 9818517664
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