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Feeling sentimental -2015 year in review top favorites

This post has already been read 3448 times!


Snowman with poster on wooden tree Top 10 blog posts 2015



This is the time of year when I feel sentimental about Christmas Past with no qualms in admitting that as a child, I bought into every mythological influential character that was ever used to make sure that children stayed on the ‘Nice’ side of the Naughty or Nice Spectrum.

So there I was brushing my teeth to make sure I had a quality tooth for the Tooth Fairy, going to bed at the right time in case Daku Mansingh (a bandit by the name of Mansingh whose purpose is the same as the Bogey Man) was looking out for naughty children, being ultra nice because that was what Santa Claus mandated for gifts and a lot of other things.

Looking back in time, I realize that my parents played along though I could never understand why my younger sister also found money under her pillow for the pearly white teeth that I was gifting to the Tooth Fairy. Oh well, the joys of being an older sister.

My earliest real memory of Christmas, other than 3 Japanese Ladies in Kimonos giving my mother a small bouquet of white flowers in Karachi, is that of a Christmas Kiddies Party in  New York, when I finally met Mr Santa Claus in person and actually sat on his lap. We have that historic Kodak Moment captured in slides (which was the latest technology of the time).

When the time came to ask for a gift, I bashfully mentioned that I wanted a Suzy Homemaker Bake Oven which was the early 70s second only to the Barbie Doll. My sister asked for a guitar.

I got the oven for Christmas and my sister got her guitar and thus was born the belief that Santa existed until years later when the bubble burst and I realized that Daddy was the influential guy ably support by Mummy in keeping the dream alive.

I still have that oven in one of the cartons in the store room and most probably I’ll update this post when I can locate an image of this famous toy by Topper Toys but here is a link to read more about the brand and an oven that every little girl worth her salt wanted to possess and bake cakes.

Suzy Homemaker


Nostalgia about Christmas during my childhood isn’t the only thing on my mind.

I’m already looking at the year gone by, recording my wins and the speed breakers that I courted and preparing to make 2016 a super year. In numerology, that is a 9 year and one of completion so bring it on!


But not before a check-in on the blog posts that rocked 2015!


My list in 2014 was the first that I did since 2012 and I’m pleasantly surprised to see some of those posts carry their popularity through 2015 and 1 post retain its top position for a second year. Is that what they call an evergreen blog post?

I noticed a beautiful trend towards metaphysical tools for self-improvement (5 of the posts are in that category) in addition to focus on career prospecting.

This time, I’m doing a backward count to the top like Kasey Kasem of America’s Top 40 from my University days.

So here is my list for 2015 and if you missed any of these posts, just click the link and enjoy reading!

Oh, and if you like what you read, please leave a comment in the comments box for the post and do share with others. You never know who could benefit and it may just make a difference!


#10 Psychic powers a fringe benefit of meditation?

Did you know that apart from being an excellent tool, meditation also helps to improve your intuition and can actually bring out your latent psychic skills?

Psychic Powers and Meditation


#9 Do you really believe in your affirmations? Pinch yourself

Are your affirmations getting embedded in your sub-conscious mind? A simple technique to  test your efforts for effectiveness. Here’s the link:




#8 Want to Attract Abundance in Your Life? Raise Your Money Set Point

This post was at #8 last year and the first of many posts that have stayed on the list. Try it if you are trying to raise your vibrations to attract more money in 2016.

Attract abundance by raising your money set point


#7 When Meditation Goes Wrong

Can over meditating or using a meditation technique get you spiritually fried? Yes it can and here is what you need to do to remedy it.

Meditation side effects and remedy


#6 Chakra Balancing Exercises

Believe it or not, this is a really old post of mine which still finds readers doing a Google search!

Update May 2017: You can download the exercises with more tips as well as a Chakra Chart now. Click the link for more information.

Stress management 101- Chakra Balancing Style!


The following posts continued in their popularity and a must read for careerists who are considering a job change.


#5 Putting Unpaid and Volunteer Work in Your Resume

This is another post that has held its own since 2014 which only goes to show that job seekers need guidance when writing that awesome resume that will get them the job interview invitation.




#4 10 Tips to remember if you are Cold Emailing Your CV


If you are submitting online job applications, this resource is also useful – Online Job Application Tips


#3 3 Practical Applications of the awesome Smiley Stress Ball


I admit that I was surprised with this entry in the Top 10 because it was written at a time when my Muse Miss Coco was suffering from Hind Leg Paralysis and my entire energy was being devoted to help her walk again after the vet gave her a 30% chance of success.

Smiley Stress Ball

The good news is that Miss Coco is up and running and loves to chase birds and her baby pram has been put aside for use in her old age since early May 2015. Here’s Miss Coco in her baby pram which I purchased intuitively to help build her motivation to walk again.


Coco in her baby pram - Karmic Ally Coaching


#2 Successful Birds Set Goals Differently

Love quizzes and self-assessments? So do I!



#1 Do You Dare to Take the 7 Day Positivity Challenge?


Reindeer with gratitude quote from Vatsala Shukla

Yups, you guessed correctly – this one is still at Numero Uno!



It is my sincere wish that 2015 has worked out well for you in areas of your life and if there are bits and pieces that did not work out the way you wanted them to, remember that you still have 2016 to get them right. So start planning and working out how you will make the coming year the best ever for you.


Create your dreams in 2016 Karmic Ally Coaching


Season’s Greetings!


17 Responses to “Feeling sentimental -2015 year in review top favorites”

  1. What an awesome read and fabulous post Vatsala! How fun to read about your Christmases and how much fun you had! Thanks so much for sharing these end of year top ten posts that are really very good and I will be taking a look over the next several days 🙂

    Happy Holidays to you and your family and many blessings to a prosperous 2016!

    • Karmic Ally says:

      Happy reading, Joan!

      My sincerest and best wishes for a wonderful, abundant and prosperous 2016 for you and your family.

  2. Lisa says:

    Vatsala I love this idea of listing your fave blog posts, what a great way to look back on the year. I live your story of the Easy Bake Oven, I never had one..that might explain a few things lol, would love to see pictures when you find them. Great review! I look forward to reading these posts when I get to my PC. Happy Holidays!

    • Karmic Ally says:

      Thank you Lisa! Getting my Easy Bake Oven out of the store and photographed is definitely on my list of actions for 2016 and I’ll let you know when I do it. Enjoy the other posts that made the list for 2015. Happy New Year!

  3. Tamuria says:

    You offer so much wonderful advice Vatsala! I haven’t read them all yet but I really enjoyed the ones I did (9, 7, 5 and 1). You are inspiring, uplifting and full of wisdom. Glad I’m getting to know you. Thank you for this wonderful share.

    • Karmic Ally says:

      I’m delighted you’ve enjoyed the posts, Tamuria. The one’s you’ve liked have continued in popularity and I hope will serve other readers in the years to come. Thank you for appreciating my effort to make a difference. I appreciate you!

    • Karmic Ally says:

      I’m delighted you’ve enjoyed the posts, Tamuria. The one’s you’ve liked have continued in popularity and I hope will serve other readers in the years to come. Thank you for appreciating my effort to make a difference. I appreciate you!

  4. Your intro reminded me of how I kept the Santa Claus myth alive for my daughter by developing a “Santa only” type of writing for the card we would put with her gifts. And of course we left milk and cookies which were “gone” when she woke up in the morning. If I had to bet, I would say she still has all those cards from her childhood, as there was something magical about believing in something as good as what Santa stands for. I love that you have so many spiritual posts in your top ten and how we move from the physical to the spiritual in what you share with others. It just seem to work! A lovely roundup and I also believe you have many evergreen posts. Have a lovely holiday season as this last two weeks of December is a wonderful time to go inward and reflect on what the year has been and to look forward to the new year. Enjoy, Vatsala!

    • Karmic Ally says:

      I love the creative way that you kept the Santa dream alive for your daughter Beverley. It helps to believe in magic in childhood which sets the stage to our being open to receiving abundance and miracles in later years. I’m glad you liked the roundup for 2015. Hopefully the spiritual and metaphysical posts will find readers who can use the guidance to complete 2015 on a positive note. Season’s Greetings!

  5. Cheryl Gnad says:

    I have often forgotten my past posts of the year. I love how you’ve brought yours together! Lots of great reading here. I will definitely read the Chakra on balance! I have had a brain injury that has left me to retrain my brain for balance. Thanks for the info.

    • Karmic Ally says:

      Enjoy reading the posts, Cheryl and a big welcome to The Karmic Ally Coaching Experience Blog!

      Sorry to learn of your brain injury. Please do check with your physiotherapist before trying any of the Chakra Balancing exercises that I have mentioned in the post in case you hurt yourself more than benefit. But do try them once you are well. Get well soon.

  6. Gisele says:

    This is my first read of a roundup from you and it was so much fun!!! The post that really tweaked my interest was over-meditating. I’m going to bookmark it to read it over the weekend.

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday and best of luck and success for 2016!

    • Karmic Ally says:

      I’m delighted that you liked the round up Gisele. I tried to make it as interesting as possible and then it all came together!

      Over-meditating does happen and the time that I wrote the post, one of my clients had suffered from being over-fried courtesy a Mindfulness class that she had attended where the trainer tried to do too much in 1 session and we had to remedy the imbalance of her Chakras.

      Season’s Greetings to you and your loved ones, Gisele and may all your dreams come true in 2016.

  7. This is so far my favorite roundup. New to the concept and have been thinking of doing one. Love how you wove your own story and personality into it. Here is to a joyous holiday with your family and to a successful 2016. One of the best things that occurred in my life in 2016 was making your virtual acquaintance.

    • Karmic Ally says:

      Thank you Roslyn! I wanted to make it different and then the intention took on a life of its own. 🙂 Your good wishes are heartily reciprocated. I’m so glad we met through Delia. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insights with me and adding color to the canvas of my non-virtual life.

  8. Deb Nelson says:

    How fun to reminisce about Christmases past. I find it fascinating to see which memories stay with us – and how our siblings often have different memories that stay with them.

    Looks like 2015 has been a good year in blogging for you Vatsala. Looking forward to what the new year holds and to staying connected with you for this wild ride!

    • Karmic Ally says:

      Talking of siblings, my sister hasn’t read this post yet, Deb, and I am sure she will have a thing or two to add to the guitar and my wonderful oven. 🙂 I’ve got something interesting coming up for the New Year in terms of posts and hope you will enjoy them.

Meet your coach

I believe the world would be a better place if high achieving professionals accepted setbacks and challenges to their careers as Wake Up Calls to embark on a Journey where their empowered course correcting actions create a New World Order that encompasses achieving their career aspirations & potential with authentic life balance.

If you’re a driven, passionate, talented and ambitious professional  who’s hit a speed breaker in your business or career and want to create your desired breakthrough to reclaim control of your situation, then you’ve come to the right place because we can work together on customized strategies and tactics that deliver results.

When my clients first reach out to me, they are not in a very happy place, needing clarity about themselves, their desires, chosen vocation and what will give them peace of mind. They are drawn to me for the very reasons that I highlight in Who Is Karmic Ally Coaching.

Lack of recognition at work, inability to project themselves with confidence and frustration are just some of their professional problems that are playing havoc with other areas of their life. They know they need to take radical steps to change the status quo but they also know they need support and accountability to get them their desired result.

I really get it, because I’ve experienced that dark night of the Soul. I know firsthand the outcome of getting lost in my work rationalizing decisions that were detrimental to other aspects of my life.

Like you, I’ve struggled with and won battles of stress management, corporate politics, life balance and career decisions to emerge in a place where I can confidently say that I live my desired life according to my personal Manifesto and have created a business that provides me with a platform for my desired lifestyle and self-expression for myself. I want that for you too!

I adhere to the Certified Coaches Alliance Code of Ethics and Standards. A copy is available on request.
1st place BCB 2012
Email: Vatsala(at)karmicallycoaching(dot)com Phone:91 9818517664
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