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A sedentary lifestyle, whether you work in an office or from home affects your health. It ultimately impacts your balance when you find yourself unable to do the simplest of tasks due to exhaustion.
Pushed to the limit, other ailments appear like high cholesterol, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, carpal tunnel syndrome.
In one case that is known to me personally, diabetes without a family history.
While your doctor will prescribe medication to control the health problem and recommend a diet plan, rest and exercise, for some reason the exercise part always suffers.
Are you too exhausted for self-care?
It is important to distinguish between mental and physical exhaustion. A lot of times we miss workouts because we are feeling tired.
Interestingly, a moderate dose of exercise will actually refresh you leaving you invigorated to deal with both the work and non-work areas of your life.
The best way to ensure that you stick to your exercise regime is to do them in the morning.
Depending upon what works for you, it could be a brisk 10–20-minute walk or a 10-minute session of stretching exercises like Yoga and Pilates.
Need inspiration to exercise? Here are a few ideas:
- If you have a dog, then take on the morning walk duty. The companionship is invaluable not to mention the fresh dose of Vitamin D from the sun rays which will assist in calcium absorption and keep your bones healthy!
- If the morning walk is not possible, then walk during lunch time or a casual stroll in the evening post dinner for 20 minutes.
- Not a walker? No sweat. A 10 minute spot of stretch exercises like Yoga and Pilates in the morning will work wonders. Even 10-12 push-ups counts. Besides this helps build resilience and immunity.
- If there’s a good gym in the vicinity of your residence, enroll for morning group exercise sessions. Or take on a membership and do it on your own at least 3 times a week whether it is in the morning or in the evening.
- Join the local laughter club and laugh it out every morning with the added benefit of good oxygen intake.
- Housework counts too! Think of washing dishes, doing the dusting or even clearing out clutter.
All you need to do is decide what exercises you can do every day– and then stick to it.
Make it more fun by creating a weekly exercise program and rotate your exercise activity. Get creative and get healthy.
The pandemic made it tough to step out but it doesn’t mean you have an excuse not to exercise. The resource below will help you with your exercise and stress management. Click on the photo to learn more.