
Win your challenges with our unique solutions

Want solutions to the problems that keep you awake at night? That’s where Karmic Ally Coaching helps you create breakthroughs with customized radical and innovative solutions to issues that are keeping you stuck in a rut in the shortest time possible. Believe it or not, even high achievers hit roadblocks in their careers or on their journey to creating a business that expresses their Soul’s Vision and Purpose. Every transformation requires a willingness to accept change. Are you ready to embrace change? Find out with Karmic Ally Coaching's special quiz - Fearing Change or Confident to Win Challenges!

Let’s Talk

Are you ready to embark on your journey of change?


Thank you for your interest in contacting Karmic Ally Coaching via the Connect Page!

It means you’re contemplating, researching or already considering whether or not to hire a Coach and are ready to contact me.

You’re 1 step nearer to embarking on a grand adventure of a lifetime with your Guide and Karmic Ally.


Karmic Ally Coaching’s Way to get the conversation started 

Lots of options, even if I say so myself!

My normal working hours are Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 5.30 pm.

You can reach out via the form below or email me at vatsala(at)karmicallycoaching(dot)com.

We endeavor to respond within 24 business hours except on weekends and holidays.


How can I help you achieve your desired transformation and results?

  • Interested in finding out more about my coaching or services and want more information? Book a 20-minute free, no obligation consultation by telephone or Skype.
  • If you have already selected a program and want to discuss it in more detail, then let’s set up a 30-minute consultation ‘Is this for you?’.

When you apply for the consultation, I’ll send you a form to make the appointment more meaningful and to determine if we are a good fit to get you your desired results.

This is not free coaching. It’s an assessment to see where you are with your career or business and to determine what is standing in the way of your success.

This is not about giving you free guidance or advice, but about your getting clarity on your problem and deciding your next step.

  • For a nominal investment you can also book a one-time paid Clarity Coaching Call.

All you have to do is click the image below or here to request an appointment. A new window will open to request the appointment.  The appointment schedule can be adjusted to your time zone.  Appointments are by phone or Skype.

Request appointment with Karmic Ally Coaching





PS. More comfortable using a simple email as a first contact touch? Then avail of the form below and I’ll revert.

PPS. Prior to using this form to contact us, please read our Privacy & Terms of Use Website policies by clicking here and confirm your understanding in the Contact Form.

Thanks in advance.


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    I have read and understood the Privacy Statement and Terms of Use Policies

    How do I know I’m ready to work with a Coach or Mentor? 

    • You’re fed up of the status quo and ready to take action
    • You’re ready to get out of your problems and find solutions
    • You’re committed to making a change
    • You’re willing to step out of  your comfort zone and take action
    • You’re willing to take responsibility for improving your career/business and life
    • You’re ready to be challenged and be accountable for yourself
    • You’re ready to make time to focus on yourself
    • You’re willing to be honest with yourself & your Coach
    • You’re ready to invest in yourself, your desired results and future



    If you are in need of a “Wake Up Call” and a new focus for your career

    Jeff Young profile photo  If you are in need of a “Wake Up Call” and a new focus for your career, you need look no further than Vatsala Shukla. I have been impressed with her skills and experience from the very beginning.

    She is one of the most knowledgeable people I know when it comes to what it takes to gain control of and achieve a fulfilling career.

    I highly recommend that check her out, connect with her and gain from her vast experience. I am very pleased to have her as a part of my virtual network. You will be too!

    Jeff Young 

    Jeff Young
    Email: Vatsala(at)karmicallycoaching(dot)com Phone:91 9818517664
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