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The first step in any self-improvement program is to believe that you can improve yourself.
To bring about the changes, you need to first change how you think. By thinking, I don’t mean just happy positive thoughts but an underlying self-belief that you have what it takes to make the positive changes within yourself.
You are your best ally, friend and companion in this change process.
Deciding to change is the first step and most crucial step you will ever take.
The journey to self-improvement starts with you. Self-help and personal change starts with your decision that you are going to take action. Without this decision, any step or action that you take will be futile.
Your own self-belief is the key to successful life change, achievement, contentment and becoming unstoppable.
You can create change for yourself starting right now. Try this self-coaching exercise to improve your self-belief is by retraining your thought processes, whether conscious or sub-conscious.
This exercise has 2 parts- relaxation and affirmations.
Simply doing the relaxation part in itself will lift your mood and make you feel positive. Combined with the affirmations, which is your positive self-talk you will re-condition your subconscious mind to believe in yourself.
Different people take different levels of time to change so persevere with it and in time, it will become easier, natural and more enjoyable. Best yet, it WILL work.
Relaxation technique
- Sit down or lie down and make yourself comfortable.
- Relax your muscles particularly the shoulder muscles and gently close your eyes.
- Visualize that you are in the centre of a globe of white positive light.
- Breathe in deeply visualizing that the air you are breathing is white positive energy and circulating through your entire body.
- Breathe out the air visualizing that you are exhaling black air which is carrying out of your body all your self-doubts and negative thoughts.
- Repeat the exercise 10 times or until you start to feel relaxed.
Affirmation Statement starting with “I AM”
- Now in a relaxed state repeat the following affirmations, which are the scripts for reconditioning your mind and bringing about change aloud. Choose the affirmation that best suits your need at the moment. Better yet, create an affirmation that you are comfortable with.
- I am in full control of my self-esteem
- I am honest with myself in areas that need self-improvement
- Every success I achieve fuels in me the desire for more
- I can achieve anything that I can imagine
- I have the ability to visualize every aspect of my success
- My ability is greater than any challenge I could face
- I’m making the most of my life now and every day.
- I am committed to living my life with passion
- I’m using my unique gifts to enrich myself and others
- I’m making myself worth more each and every day
- I bring out the best in others
- Every day and in every way, I am getting better and better
- Today is my day to excel
How to use this method for optimal results
For best results, if you want to change your life fast, even though it might seem like its slow, take the statement that you have chosen and repeat them 3 times/day.
The statement will embed itself into your sub-consciousness. Since you’ll be saying them so often, you’ll soon begin to believe them.
Most beliefs start through repetition of thought and in this case your attitude will positively change your emotions and you’ll be inspired to do more than you think possible!
This self-coaching exercise helps to build your inner confidence muscle. Now how about demonstrating it in the workplace to prove you are not only capable but also ready to take on more responsibilities and have leadership potential?
If you’re ready to step up your game, then download Karmic Ally Coaching’s Ultimate Confidence Checklist by clicking here or on the image below or completing the consent form to confirm you wish to receive the checklist.
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Did the exercise help? Please do share your results with me in the Comments Box.
Written by: Vatsala Shukla
The power of the ‘I am’ statement. I work with these types of affirmations on a daily basis. One of the most powerful of all is simply, “I AM.”
I agree Reba. In Sanskrit, it’s Aham Asmi – a powerful mantra and affirmation!
Hi Angela
Glad you liked the post. One of my clients actually tried the exercise recently at work in the middle of a Friday afternoon deadline crisis and said it helped her to keep on keel and deliver!
I love your selection from the affirmations. The last one is a personal favourite of mine too!
PS. Thanks for the tweet!
Hi Vatsala, thank-you for the relaxation, visualization, and affirmation break! My favorites:
I have the ability to visualize every aspect of my success
My ability is greater than any challenge I could face
…last, but not least…Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better!