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How to Achieve Your Hidden True Potential

This post has already been read 2032 times!

Man looking at rising sun with open arms and George Eliot quote on potential


After the way 2020 turned out, with a pandemic that shook us to the core and won’t vanish at the stroke of midnight on December 31, you might be wondering whether you really have a chance to achieve your true potential in the coming year or ever.

I believe we all need a pat on the back for coming so far. It’s been a tough ride and many of us lost friends, family and a lot more but we’ve also learned a lot along the way.

When I look back to this time a year ago, I was quite excited by the thought of a new year and a new decade and it was all wonderful until that day in March when India went into total lockdown with 4 hours’ notice.

When unlocking started in phases, I realized the world had changed and the need to navigate a new normal – one that had taken away a lot of my usual social activities and a host of other issues that required maintaining distance from others especially while walking Miss Coco.

It’s been a year of self-discovery and great learning too. Change has brought a change in perspective.

That’s why I believe there is merit in George Eliot’s quote and it is even more relevant right now.

One can really achieve more in one’s life, whether on the personal or professional front provided we believe in ourselves and our potential.

Sadly, that’s not what I see around me.

Some lost their jobs, some finally accepted being disenchanted with their jobs and others felt they had lost ground in their career.

Just like before the pandemic struck, I see professionals who have taken 1 career track and have reached a stage where their present vocation doesn’t give them satisfaction but when I ask them to explore new possibilities, they resist it thinking it is too late.

If your career got derailed during 2020 or you’re not sure how to get it back on track, then you want to check out my last course offering for 2020 Insider Tips to navigate your career in the new normal for success. It will help you focus on what will shift the needle for your career – guaranteed.

Read more about the course here and lock in the introduction offer before midnight December 31, 2020.

On deeper reflection, I’ve pinned this resistance to 2 factors – listening to the Inner Critic that goads you to embrace your Limiting Beliefs and a resistance to Change even when it is inevitable.


Let go of the Critics and listen to the wisdom of your Higher Self

The truth is, it’s never late provided you have a well thought out plan supported by strategy and tactics that will bring you closer to your heart’s desire.

Denying yourself the opportunity to achieve your true potential because your Inner Critic or others say you cannot, is the greatest disservice you can do to yourself and your Soul.


Denying yourself the opportunity to achieve your true potential because your Inner Critic or others say you cannot, is the greatest disservice you can do to yourself and your Soul.


We often don’t realize our true potential and think that if we are good at one thing, then we cannot be good in another. We specialize and look down on the generalist not realizing that perhaps the latter is far happier because he is in touch with his true God given capabilities.

When we try to break out of the mould, there are enough naysayers who will try to hold us back and stop us from becoming what we can be.

Not because they don’t believe in us but rather because if we step outside of the herd, it will disturb the status quo and their own excuse for not changing will become redundant.

In my post Awaken the Sleeping Lion within You, I share an Indian folk tale and go deeper into the herd mentality that keeps us as part of a group at the expense of our individuality and personality.

Society can condition an individual’s intellect and lead them to believe that they have limited strength to achieve his purpose.

The individual’s sense of personal existence is a conditioned belief of society’s lack of awareness of the true Self-Being. This conditioning breaks the link of the individual with his Higher Self and the person believes that they are the Doer and alone in this life.

In order to break free from these often self-imposed restrictions, it is important to realize that there is a Power and Presence of God often referred to as the Source of Power, a Life Energy within each of us, which if we allow it, can guide us to do all manner of good in our life.

In essence, remove the error of your conditioned belief of own sense of personal existence and use your mind and body to serve as a vehicle and channel of your Higher Self and reach out to become what you can be.


Accept change and make it work to your benefit

Change is a part of all of our lives.

How we deal with change is often a determining factor in how happy and successful we are.

Sometimes we get lucky, and change is gradual or even easy.

Other times, change is hard, overwhelming, or downright scary- like it was this year.

This kind of change seriously impacted our lives and needs to be embraced to make sure we are able to move forward.

How do we do that, though? Follow these 7 tips to find out how.


  1. Change your attitude about change in general

Start fostering a more positive attitude towards change. Get used to embracing the easy changes in your life, so your mind is prepared for the hard ones.


  1. Think about what the cost of not changing

This tip helps when you’re ready to give up when change gets tough or overwhelming. Quite often, the pain of not changing outweighs the comfort of not trying to change. If you need the motivation to change, imagine what would happen if you didn’t.


Light house at end of strip and change quote


  1. Don’t waste energy on things you can’t control

When massive change is imminent, take some time to reflect. Think about what aspects of this change you can control, and which aspects are out of your hand. Once that is done, focus solely on the things you have control over. This way, you aren’t wasting energy, and you are making sure this transition will go as smoothly as possible.


  1. Keep a Journal

I have personally found journaling effective in dealing with change, especially if it has been caused by events outside my control.

Journaling allows you a safe space to get all your thoughts and fears out. You will find that some of your trepidation dissipates when the fears from your head are put on paper.



  1. Trust Yourself

A lot of the reason people struggle to change is that they don’t believe in themselves. They don’t believe they deserve “good change,” and they don’t think they can handle any sort of negative change.

Work on boosting your self-esteem first, then you will naturally be more open to change. Get more guidance in my blog post Embrace the Truth, you can trust yourself.


  1. Your Basic Needs Still Matter

When dealing with a big change, or life transition, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Some changes are so big that they are almost all-consuming, but you can’t forget your most basic needs. Sleep, diet, and exercise shouldn’t be tossed aside because you are too worried about change.


Grinning cat and Lao Tzu quote on change with quiz image


  1. Make a Plan

Change is often scary because it is the unknown. But you can control parts of it with a plan. Creating a plan of action to deal with a specific change makes it easier for you to make that change when the time comes.

Even if you’re still overcoming the challenges of 2020, remember, failure isn’t the end. So banish the fear of failing and move forward with optimism.

Change how you view failure. I prefer to think of it simply as a signal for us to try something different.

When you embrace empowering beliefs and change as a catalyst for achieving your true and hidden potential, you will become unstoppable.


Want to get your Life back on track but need more focus? I have an easy solution.


Click the link to learn more Life Focus in 7 Days self-coaching workbook.

Karmic-Ally-Coaching-Self-Help-Program - Life Focus



6 Responses to “How to Achieve Your Hidden True Potential”

  1. Heather Maria says:

    This has definitely been a year of change and can also be considered a learning year. The world slowed down and it needed to. Focus this new year will be on love and family. I hope we continue to weed out the things we do not need. In that, we will become a success. I follow my intuition, journal, pray, meditate and set intentions. When I began this year it was set with the intention, everything with meaning, and everything with and for a purpose. It followed through to the very end. Happy New Year Vatsala.

    • Karmic Ally says:

      Thanks for sharing your wisdom and adding to the conversation Heather Maria. Many of us fail to achieve our potential because we start off strong but weaken when faced with challenges. Happy New Year to you too!

  2. CK Kochis says:

    This year (2020) has certainly brought into awareness many aspects of self; the good, the ugly, some of the laziness, and some hyperactivity. You’re right, our lives will never be like they were prior to March. In many ways this is a blessing.

    I always enjoy reading your well-written and insightful articles. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and voice.

    Happy New Year, Vatsala! May we be 2021 be gentler, joyful, prosperous and peaceful.

    • Karmic Ally says:

      Thank you for your good wishes Cindy. They are heartily reciprocated. I realized quite early during the pandemic that surviving depended on one’s ability to adapt and learn to go with the flow rather than resist the change that had been thumped (literally) on us.

      Sometimes our best and most powerful growth comes from a place of discomfort and if we are willing to trust that the Divine or Universe has our back, we can let go of the fear that we are not up to the challenge. We always are!

  3. Lore Raymond says:

    I appreciated the statement “Think about what the cost of not changing might be.” I’m not sure I’ve ever really done this in a concrete way, probably more intuitively. And it makes sense.

    Happy New Year,

    P.S. Brava that the blog post has been read over 900 times! WOW! I want to learn how you do this and will be contacting you after New Year’s if that’s ok.

    • Karmic Ally says:

      Thanks Lore. I do a lot of things using my intuition and it works out better than using logic but I do find looking at the cost of inaction is a good way to discover what we are losing out on.

      I’ll be happy to talk to you after the New Year and share how I got the views. I wish more people would comment and add to the conversation.

Meet your coach

I believe the world would be a better place if high achieving professionals accepted setbacks and challenges to their careers as Wake Up Calls to embark on a Journey where their empowered course correcting actions create a New World Order that encompasses achieving their career aspirations & potential with authentic life balance.

If you’re a driven, passionate, talented and ambitious professional  who’s hit a speed breaker in your business or career and want to create your desired breakthrough to reclaim control of your situation, then you’ve come to the right place because we can work together on customized strategies and tactics that deliver results.

When my clients first reach out to me, they are not in a very happy place, needing clarity about themselves, their desires, chosen vocation and what will give them peace of mind. They are drawn to me for the very reasons that I highlight in Who Is Karmic Ally Coaching.

Lack of recognition at work, inability to project themselves with confidence and frustration are just some of their professional problems that are playing havoc with other areas of their life. They know they need to take radical steps to change the status quo but they also know they need support and accountability to get them their desired result.

I really get it, because I’ve experienced that dark night of the Soul. I know firsthand the outcome of getting lost in my work rationalizing decisions that were detrimental to other aspects of my life.

Like you, I’ve struggled with and won battles of stress management, corporate politics, life balance and career decisions to emerge in a place where I can confidently say that I live my desired life according to my personal Manifesto and have created a business that provides me with a platform for my desired lifestyle and self-expression for myself. I want that for you too!

I adhere to the Certified Coaches Alliance Code of Ethics and Standards. A copy is available on request.
1st place BCB 2012
Email: Vatsala(at)karmicallycoaching(dot)com Phone:91 9818517664
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