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Self-awareness isn’t just a component of Emotional Intelligence that helps you with your career ambitions, it is also essential to coping with challenging times, change and how you respond to it.
Different people respond differently to change. Some go into a downward spiral while others find the inner strength to rise to the challenge.
Self-awareness is a strength that should be developed and maintained.
It’s knowing the state of your internal self, your intuitions, preferences, resources, and skills. Really, it’s about knowing that there is one thing you control in this life and it’s your perception of your world.
Self-awareness makes it easier to navigate difficult and unexpected situations when you’re in tune with your internal preferences.
But how Self-Aware are you?
Not sure? Sometimes checking indicators is a good method to find out as I share in the video blog. Prefer reading? The transcript is below the video.
Get your Self-Awareness Bundle here
I’m curious, on a scale of 1 to 10, which 1 being a thumbs down and 10 being a thumbs up, are you already self-aware?
Have you reached the point where you can acutely understand any and every part of your body, being, and actions?
Self-awareness is a key trait essential to achieving true success and happiness in this life. You have to be aware of your actions and behaviours, body and mind, symptoms and limitations.
In this video blog post, I’ll help you identify just how self-aware you truly are right now and where you might need improvement with some common signs that you lack self-awareness.
If you notice these signs in yourself, it’s time to address the issue and adjust; don’t just sit idly by and watch it happen.
You’re a micromanager
Frankly speaking, no one likes to be micromanaged, whether it’s in the workplace or elsewhere. As a micromanager, you might not even realize you’re micromanaging your colleagues!
Some of the best excuses I’ve heard have included wanting things to be done perfectly or having too much at stake for things to go wrong or even the benevolent leader who thinks the that the person needs a little extra assistance or an extra push of encouragement.
Whatever the reasoning, you’re not taking into consideration how your micromanaging is affecting the other person.
Your desire to take controls is negatively impacting the very person you claim to be helping. Your micromanaging signals to them that you don’t trust them.
It also shows that you’re not self-aware enough to realize this.
To adjust: Challenge yourself to trust others and delegate your work.
You’re never at fault
This is a biggie!
We all can be guilty of shirking the blame or avoiding responsibility by placing the blame on someone else every once in a while.
If you find yourself frequently trying to deflect unwanted negative attention by passing off blame onto others, you’re not very self-aware and may be perceived as a person that’s dismissive and who avoids accountability.
To adjust: Work on receiving criticism better and owning your mistakes, shortcomings, and misunderstandings; take full blame and stop deflecting.
You’re not able to laugh at yourself
No one enjoys negative attention of any kind, least of all embarrassment.
There are some, however, that lash out at those around them in response to these moments, when they should laugh at themselves and let it go. If you’re unable to laugh at yourself, it could be a sign that you’re not self-aware.
To adjust: Try admitting to yourself what you’re feeling (anger, embarrassment or any uncomfortable feeling) and whether your response is over the top. Then modify your behavior.
You’re overly defensive
If you find yourself constantly getting defensive over general criticism or feedback, you aren’t being self-aware.
Being self-aware means you’re aware of your faults, flaws, and misgivings. You know you make mistakes and are ready to admit them and rectify them.
If you find the simplest of criticisms sending you spiraling off the deep end, this is something you’ll want to work on.
To adjust: Try changing how you view the feedback and remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes; channel the feedback into positive improvements to your self-awareness and personhood.
You have a tendency to say things you don’t mean and later regret
When we get angry or hurt, we have a tendency to say things in the heat of the argument that we don’t mean and later wind up regretting.
This isn’t as big of a problem for those who are masters of their self-awareness; they thoroughly think through what they say and consider the impact the words will have on the world around them.
To adjust: Pause before you say something and think it through, including potential repercussions.
If you’ve been wanting to improve your self-awareness, there’s no time like the present.
I’ve only outlined 5 areas where you could be lacking self-awareness but there could be others that are more specific to you. In that regard I wanted to share with you the Karmic Ally Coaching Self Study Bundle on Self Awareness.
It’s a workbook as well as a guide. In the guide, you’re going to discover your True Self and become aware of what are your Motivators and also learn ways to improve your Self-Awareness. The workbook that I mentioned earlier is going to help you in recording your learning and is set up on a daily basis.
So you’re actually able to see the progress you’re making and if that sounds good to you then I encourage you to click the link below and download your own self-study workbook and guide.
That’s all for now. I’m Vatsala Shukla from Karmic Ally Coaching signing off. Thanks for joining me for this vlog.
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I think I came out of the womb self aware according to my mom and grandmother. That means I am here with the purpose to help and assist others. When you are self aware you can add a light to the world. You can also sit with yourself and be ok. Many times it comes from a connection to our higher self. If you don’t put the work in, you can become defensive, angry, sad, depressed, anxious, overachiever. It comes from a lack of self communication. The sooner we teach the younger generation, the better it will be.
Thank you Heather Maria for sharing your insights and adding to the conversation. Self communication plays an important role in self-awareness.
I’m happy to say I’ve let go of most of this list but it’s always good to take a second and even a third look!
More power to you Barb! You’re right. It’s always good to take a second or even third look. 🙂
Becoming aware of the signs that we are not fully self-aware is in itself a sign that we recognize what’s missing in us and the chance to improve.
True, Kusum. When we become aware of what we may be lacking, we open to the opportunity to rectify the shortcoming or area for self-improvement.